Again, I don’t expect everyone to agree with me – I have done the same thing to all my cats and none of my cats has ever cancer --- I don’t want to talk about it in terms of  statistics – because my cats are not just numbers – there was 1/500,000 chance that cats die from reaction from the anesthesia.. statistically, the risk is very small… you would never think that it would happen to your cat and neither did I until it happened.. but when it happens to you cat,, statistics does not mean anything…. Again, I am very conservative.. I just lost 4 cats to certain illness – so I never underestimated the stress induced illness..


More likely than the cat, your kitty is going to be just fine right after the surgery,, what I am concerned about more is about long term stress induced illness – the incidence of FIP happens more often after spaying/neutering surgery… I have seen the posts more than a few times, that someone lost their Felk kitties a couple of months after the spaying/neutering surgery --- statistically, the risk is low.. but I don’t rely statistics –


All I am saying is that she just shook the felk virus off from her body and give the body chance to build her immune system a bit longer before adding another stress..


It’s personally choice, but I felt that I needed to explain my view --


Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: Pippin tested negative on her IFA test --- plus questions aboutSpaying ... Hideyo


 OMG I have to DISAGREE..... read this months cat fancy spay before the first heat reduces the risk of some cancers by 91 % !!!!!!!!!!!! Some studies also show the heat is more stressful than the spay....

Inderstand if you lose one its harder but I am over 1000 now and only lost one in all this time


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 12:47 PM
Subject: RE: Pippin tested negative on her IFA test --- plus questions aboutSpaying ... Hideyo

I would wait at least 9 or 10 months of after --- even to a year ideally  – again I am very conservatives when coming to these things, so others may think I worry too much. But losing my suzi to spaying surgery, and knowing the fact that spaying/neutering could trigger certain underlying illness, I wanted to make sure that their immune system are as matured as it can be..


There is really nothing so bad to their body if they go on heat once – it will last a couple of weeks, but then it does not do any damage to their body.. the stress they go through heat cycle is much much less than stress go through form the surgery..


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gina WN
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 11:43 AM
Subject: RE: Pippin tested negative on her IFA test --- plus questions aboutSpaying ... Hideyo


Hi Hideyo,


How old do you think Pippin should be before I get her spayed?  She will be 7 months old on the 25th of this month.  I don't want to rush her, but I didn't know if I should do it before she starts going into heat?  Your advice is very much appreciated :)



Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would personally recommend that you wait to spay her for a little longer – I don’t know how long she is.. but unless it’s absolutely critical she does (i.e. she is pregnant already), I really need to ask you to wait for a several different reasons.. especially, now she is tested negative for the test.  – and if you still go ahead and do it, please let me know, I have some tips to give it to you so the stress is reduced..


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gina WN
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 11:05 AM
Subject: Pippin tested negative on her IFA test --- plus questions aboutSpaying


Pippin tested negative on her IFA test for FeLV and FIV.  We waited 22 weeks between the first test (ELISA) test and the IFA.  The vet says she feels confident in the results for several reasons: because Pippin was 7 weeks old when she had her first test and she was a faint positive on the ELISA at that time, and because we waited for 5 months to retest her.  I asked if there was a chance it had gone to the bone marrow and she felt that it was very unlikely.  Should we be celebrating?! :)


At any rate, the next step is for Pippin to be spayed.  She will be getting the pre-lab work done, fluids during the spay and pain medication.  Is there anything else I should ask for?  I recall something about a certain anesthetic that is preferable.  What is the name of it?


After the spay what can I do to make her more comfortable?  She tends to be hyper-active (as kittens are! lol) so I was thinking of having her stay in our room for the first day or so, so she won't run around the house in her usual 120 mph fashion.  Or would it be better for her to stay in her crate?


Any suggestions would be appreciated :)


Thank you!





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