I can't take the test either.  The dog I found my family, and people on my rescue list all thought was a pit.  But he was friendly as all get out, got along with the dogs, and didn't chase my cats (though I've kept him on a leash with them, because they stalk him!)
There's a guy on my list who rescues pits and HE thought he was a pit from the pictures, but when he got here he said he wasn't.
He has 5 rescued pits.  They don't fight at all except trying to push each other out of the bed where they all want to sleep together.  A pit that seems friendly is at no greater risk than any other dog who seems friendly to 'turn'.  They just have more strength.
I'm a million times more afraid of dobes and rotties.

you guys don't want to here this but I didn't do so well on the quiz......

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