This just frosts my cookies.  I wish I had useful advice for you.  I don't but 
I can surely sympathize.  I really would like to come up there with a big can 
of [EMAIL PROTECTED] and open it on that group.

Forgive me for starting a rant in response to your post - but I feel one coming 

~~~~ RANT ALERT~~~~~

If I step on some toes here...please forgive me and educate me...because I will 
be the first to admit that I am ignorant about a lot of things.  Ignorance is if I say something wrong - please be patient with me and help me 
understand.  I love everyone of you and I appreciate all you do for the kitties.
*end disclaimer*

I am not emotionally able to foster cats - I have eight of my own...most of 
whom were rescued ferals from this area (i live in the sticks - outside the 
city limit in almost-rural Alabama).  I know myself well enough that I know I 
could not emotionally handle fostering.  I get so attached I couldn't give them 
up.  Eight is my limit of what I can afford to care for properly both 
monetarily and emotionally (and it's almost too much)-- each one demands and 
deserves personal attention every day.  Each one I took in is wholly a member 
of my family - with all the rights, privileges and love that goes along with 

My next door neighbor, however, was involved with a group that "rehabilitates" 
(and I use that word v e r y loosely) ferals.  My pet name for them is 'Fiends 
of Ferals' (friends they are not!).  She had over 20 fosters in her garage.  
Others in the group have from 60-100 fosters they are caring for.   From my 
point of view -- that is INSANE.  Plus - there were older members of the group 
who were constantly 'guilting' her into taking more.  They prey on people's 
emotions  ---  "Take these kitties or they are going to die".  To me, that is 
one of the VERY worst kinds of manipulation and it is unspeakably despicable. 

I know that even in a perfect situation where things are kept immaculately 
clean -- in an environment with that many cats - you simply cannot control 
disease...and you cannot give each one the love and comfort it deserves.  My 
heart says that these cats would be happier romping in the fields than living 
their lives in a cage--disease be damned.  I'm thinking -- catch them and alter 
their ability to reproduce...give them medical treatment and let them go.

Even so -- this group that was "befriending" ferals had very limited resources. 
 I donated huge bags of Chicken Soup  dry and wet catfood and money.  They made 
it IMPOSSIBLE to get any kind of tax-deductible receipt and were snooty about 
it too (and then they wonder why people don't donate more???????) and not only 
that - they made me feel like they didn't appreciate anything I tried to do to 
help. It really torqued me and made me sad at the same time.

One day - I totally went off on my neighbor because she had 20 cats in her 
garage - in summer.  If you have ever lived in the south (I am located in the 
heart of Dixie) - you know very well how unbearably hot and humid it gets here 
in that time of year...garage temps can easily exceed 104 degrees (not to 
mention the heat index).  I had already given her a huge upright oscillating 
fan...convinced her to open the screened window to let air in... and had 
offered to buy her a window air-conditioner (which she refused...i think it was 
a pride thing but she may see it differently) - thought she did occasionally 
open the garage door six inches or so for ventilation....over 20 cats in the 
garage????  and in cages????  We don't exactly live in Beverly Hills either - 
our garages are small.  She already had five cats of her own and a dog.  I went 
ballistic.  To me - this was animal cruelty and torture.  I used my sword (my 
pen) and wrote her organization and the humane society and it wasn't pretty.   
No - I never got any kind of response whatsoever.

Ok - so I am a busybody.  I couldn't help it.  That's my story and I'm sticking 
to it.

The next day - they had an air-conditioner in there...but still - I wondered 
about the people with 40, 60, 100 ferals in their keep.  It's one thing if you 
can set up properly...a facility constructed for the purpose of taking care of 
these dears...with plenty of fresh air -- room to climb...a place not REEKING 
of feces.  But that is NOT what is going on with this group.  (I'm sure you can 
tell - this is really a hot button with me and I have a bad attitude about it 
and a lot of resentment).

Now -- don't get me wrong.  I LOVE my neighbor.  She is a dear person and I 
would risk my life to take care of her and her family...but I just didn't think 
she GOT it at that time (i think she does now).  They were so blinded by the 
fact that they needed to take in all these kitties that they couldn't see the 
big picture of what was really going on here.  I'm afraid I hurt her feelings 
terribly and I am very sorry for that...but to me, as much as I loved her...the 
lives at stake here were more important than "feelings".

It took some time to build that relationship back.  She no longer fosters (she 
has a new baby)...she has a heart of pure gold.  Don't say anything bad about 
her because I might have to come up there and kick your @$$ LOL  He heart is in 
the right place --- she's young and just didn't realize...she didn't see it.  
She is smart and beautiful and loves kitties.  I would trust her to take care 
of mine if I had to go away.

Meanwhile though - this organization is doing the same thing as always.  One of 
their members was even arrested for having such a ridiculous amount of cats 
living in terrible conditions.  She had been warned several times.  It is still 
like smacking yourself in the head to try to donate anything to try to help.  
They've lost their affiliation with the humane society and I still have a very 
bad attitude about them.  What's worse is that they weekly put up their fosters 
for adoption at PetSmart to people who have no clue about the conditions in 
which these babies are living.   Many of them are sick.

I'm not sure what I think of the vet they use.  If someone adopts a kitty -- 
that vet will not let out any paperwork whatsoever about the adoptee.  I don't 
have enough inside knowledge to know how they deal with medical issues.  They 
complain they don't have money -- then they make you feel like a third class 
citizen if you try to help.  

I know it isn't a perfect world...and I totally support the ideal of rescuing 
kitties and making their lives better...I just wish that there was some kind of 
guideline that ensured the welfare of the rescued kitties.  My whole experience 
has left me very resentful of cat rescues...and I am hoping to get some 
feedback from those of you who are involved in this sort of thing.  I realize 
that I am myopic and perhaps you can help me see more clearly.

~~~~ END RANT ALERT~~~~~

Jeez guys - I'm sorry...but I feel a lot better since I got that off my chest.  
I know I come across as a real [EMAIL PROTECTED] sometimes...but I really do 
care more deeply than you know.


In a message dated 11/24/06 10:51:50 Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Hi Guys,

I don't know if you remember but I posted to the list a while back that I was 
having problems with an organization that I have been fostering for.  Well, it 
has gotten worse.  I'm strapped for cash and have been trying to get the money 
that they owe me for medical bills. 

The director is now stating she is going to come take the cats on 12/3 (without 
reimbursing me the medical bills, of course).  I would rather keep the cats 
with me, but they surely are not leaving here without me being reimbursed the 
money I have put out on them.  I sent her an email stating this and that the 
cats were all registered and microchipped in my name and that I felt I could 
put forth a pretty good case for them being abandoned by this org. 

I'm freaking out here.  I really can't afford a lawyer - I suppose I could take 
out a home equity loan on my home.  There's got to be a way to deal with this 
other than that, though.

The director does not care for me...because I do bizarre things like expecting 
them to do what they said they are going to do, and I will call her on it when 

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life! 

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