Hi guys,
  Thanks for the info..I don't know what we are going to do now..I guess hope 
all goes well until we go to Dallas on Tues very early.. No vet will be 
available here so I have to do my best with what I have at home now..until we 
get there on Tues..I took BAndy today as I thought she was going to check him 
again, but ended up being for just more fluids..he has really big pouches on 
both sides...is that ok...he seems miserable from it..But I think that is what 
they wanted to do as I can't give them at home as I don't really have anyone to 
help me and I can't hold him alone...
  He did eat whole can of I/d yesterday and some grilled chicken breast...He 
won't eat the raw food like Inky gets for IBD...Well, Inky eats mostly grilled 
chicken now but will eat raw turkey..
  Bandy had about 5 very waterly stools yesterday and thru the night about 5 to 
6 hours apart..He went looking for his food bowls last night too since I had 
taken them all out of his room he was searching the floor...I really hate not 
to feed him what he wants...but with this diarrhea, I don't know what else to 
do but keep him on raw food and or i/d...I have sensitive stomach, too, but 
don't know if that is ok...
  I will mention to specialist on tues about IR...
  Any other help would be appreciated....
  Have any of you used albon and metronidazole together...I searched the whole 
site here yesterday for any help on diarrhea and meds for it...really just all 
I could find...I don't think Bandy has IBD, I really hope it is just a bad 
infection..Also, she has him on doxycycline.
  I guess this is about it for now..I am going to call them before they close 
to ask again about giving him albon, too and dex if he starts a fever over the 
next 3 days...It is going to be a long next few days until Tues. morning...then 
3 1/2 hr drive up there...
  Wendy, if you see this...he is going to animal diagnostic clinic in 
Plano...same place he went before and same doctor..
  Bandy's temp  this morning was 100.2 so maybe we are getting the infection 
under control...I hope...
  My best to you all,
  Kerry, Bandy and Inky

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