Were Maris's symptoms constant, or only at a particular time of day? Lucy has 
had colitis symptoms before, treated with pred and flagyl, just has never had 
these episodes of a few hours a day of visible dicomfort. other times of day 
she eats, etc., but this is the second time in 3 nights she has been sick at 

In a message dated 1/1/2007 9:07:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
One of my own cats, Marie, developed colitis as a result of tritrichomonas 
foetus.  Took months to get her through it.  Her lower intestines were so 
inflamed that she was in pain and did not want to eat.  What really worked for 
was a depo medrol injection.  That got the inflammation down while the 
metronidazole (after the ronidazole) had time to work.  Over a 6 month period 
needed 2 depo injections.  I've had two other cats with bad parasite infections 
who needed a depo injection while treatment kicked in.

Side note -- my vet did not want to call it "IBD" because he felt the term 
was overused.  He called it colitis and the tritrich was confirmed by a fecal 

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