Hi, all,
I don't communicate nearly as often as I should, but I read the posts and
keep up with you guys.  My 16 year old siamese, Delilah,is not eating well
at all-  her son, Sammy died this summer as a result of FELV-he lived to be
15, though!!! with many thanks to advice and love on this list- so she is
still grieving for him. She only weighs 6 pounds and is very petite.I give
her any canned food she will eat-she has sworn off of her dry science diet,
etc.  At this point, she only likes certain few fancy feast turkey and
chicken mixtures, and (people) bumblebee tuna, and beechnut baby chicken and
turkey and beef meats.  (no onion). Canned chicken, too. I have an array of
foods in the cabinet for her!!  Also likes Tyson's already cooked chicken
breasts which we share.
The vet has suggested cyproheptadine (periactin- an antihistimine) as an
appetite stimulant  2 mg. twice daily.  She is also on tapizole 2 mg. 2
times daily for hyperthyroidism. Her coat looks great, now, and no knobby
spine!! She absolutely hates being pilled.  I have to mummy her. I am trying
the pill pouches, -she hates them,too- I have the tapizole in pill form,
also in a transdermal gel, but her ears are looking inflamed on the inside
from the gel, so stopped that. Now I have ordered the tapizole in a
suspension from an on line  vet. pharmacy in Texas. I have a good
compounding pharmacy locally, but they do not make the tapizole in a
My question is, has anyone tried periactin for an appetite stimulant??  She
has been on it 4 days and is eating better, I think.  Are there any side
effects?   Any suggestions?
Stumbled across this link by accident, and found alot of little nuggets of
info., so wanted to share.  Helene

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