She's on I-R.  I was giving it to her sub-q for her URI, which I  thought was 
helping, but then she spiked a fever anyway. So I brought her in to  the 
local vet on Wed and got her .25 ml IV.  Her fever spiked highest later  that 
night. If I kept her on it she would not be due for another shot until  
In a message dated 1/19/2007 4:26:36 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Michelle, Do you think that immuno-regulin might help
her  fevers?  I don't know anything about what sweet
Lucy is going through  but I know with my Smokey when
he was running a fever he wouldn't  eat.  I do know
that I was having a terrible time with him  getting
fevers and the immuno-regulin seemed to have helped. 
I know  with all of her other symptoms it may not be
something she needs to be  given but it was just a
thought.  I will be praying that your sweet  Lucy
starts feeling better and you get some answers as to
what is going  on with her.

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