I don't know if she is comfortable. When she is feverish, she definitely  
isn't. At other times it is hard to tell if she is just weak or also nauseous 
painful somewhere. The oncologist said he does not think she has any pain. 
Maybe  it is just fatigue from the anemia and the fevers. She is not very 
interested in  food. She would not eat all morning and at this point has eaten 
probably less  than a meal's worth of EVO dry. I tried liver shake and even 
feast,  knowing the fancy feast could wreck her intestines due to her IBD. But 
she did  not want them at all. The EVO tends to bother her intestines too, but 
it is all  she will eat on her own and I hate to syringe her if I can get her 
to eat  something. I may ask Gray to go get some turkey deli slices.  Anyway, 
I  would not say she is super comfortable. But maybe she is just weak and has 
no  appetite. I have to say, I don't have any appetite at this point either.
In a message dated 1/19/2007 1:35:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

it  sounds like Lucy is comfortable 


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