OMG that's fantastic!! A friend of mine has been trying to work with the shelter in her area to not pts tipped ferals. Her rescue group is now micro chipping all their tnr cats so that they know the colony to return them to. Small grueling steps can sometimes pay off. Oh so good for you guys! The icing on the cake would be for Jack to come home!

Susan Loesch wrote:
Animal Control is -- better than it used to be. We haven't been able to get them to round up the pack of dogs running in the area but in a miracle of a turn of events just a little while ago we found out that the head of AC is going to work with our rescue group on "Operation Jack" that our President just proposed to him -- a massive TNR effort in Jack's neighborhood. We determined that we needed to do this and got all our input during our searches for Jack. He is offering his facility to our vet -- and will "sanction" the altered animals and not pick them up -- we will ear-tip so AC will know what is what. I can't tell you what a development this is -- it is groundbreaking for this city -- such a big development that we can't really take it all in yet.

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