No titers, and I don't want to take that much blood at this point, with pcv  
of 15.
When your cats were not eating, were they on pred? Pred increases appetite,  
sometimes by a lot. I think that the reason she is eating is that she is on 
this  much pred.
In a message dated 1/29/2007 3:07:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Maybe you should wait  – she is already getting lots of chemicals in her body 
– epogen, interferon,  and pred – it might be reaction from any of these 
drugs – as pred is not  really curing anything, but suppressing whatever and 
suppressing her immune  system as well --- if she is eating, I would wait and 
how she does for the  next few days – remember, Michelle, with FIP, cats will 
eat less more and  more.. and become anorexic eventually – that happened to 
ALL of my cats with  FIP – the fact that she is eating is WONDERFUL news and 
’s why I don’  think it is FIP --- have you done any Free T4 thyroid test 
with her (sorry if  I asked already)  or have you done any corona titer  test?


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