It's hard to answer that, because she has been on some amount of pred for  
almost a year.  She was down to 1.25 mg every other day in late December,  and 
her appetite declined. I upped her to 2.5 mg/day and her appetite went back  to 
normal. When she got sick with fevers on January 16, she was eating but not a 
 lot. When I upped her to 10 mg/day based on recommendation from internist 
per  FIP presumption (because it helps with fip symptoms, which mostly come 
 inflammation which pred takes down), her appetite increased to what it has 
been.  Then it increased more yesterday when I increased pred to 12.5 mg/day.  
I  do think that if I took her off pred altogether she would probably stop 
eating.  Even though she is eating a lot right now, it is almost exclusively 
food.  .She won't eat her normal diet, or even any cat food other than 
occasionally a  few pieces of dry EVO.  So I think it is probably largely the 
giving  her her appetite. When I talk about wanting to increase the pred, it is 
to make  her more comfortable-- more energy, less symptoms from inflammation. 
 Dr.  Ishida uses a one time shot of dexamethasone, which is much stronger 
than pred,  so I am thinking to try that too.
In a message dated 1/29/2007 3:13:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Was she not eating  before?  Pred does increases the appetite, but if a cat 
is getting very  ill from FIP, even with Pred, they will stop eating – or won’
t eat as much as  Lucy is eating.. 


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