I read a summary of the article, but if you have the article in full I  would 
love to read it. Thanks,
In a message dated 1/30/2007 4:12:08 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I know it’s scary to  see it – but she must not be in pain, just 
uncomfortable –   
My first FIP boy,  which was about 4 years ago, he actually developed FIP 
right after I gave him  baytrill for some reason.. he stopped eating right 
he got pills, and he  accumulated fluid in his tummy, he passed away within 72 
hours –   
Michelle – do you  want to read an article of the study that Mr. Ishida did.. 
if so, I can  forward you a copy.. 
I think a draining  will make her feel more comfortable for sure ..and they 
can send it to a lab  to find out more about it ---


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