i will do fluids in a heartbeat for a cat--until they make it clear
that they no longer want it. i remember being really upset with a
kitty who just would not let me administer fluids, because i KNEW it
would make her feel better--she was clearly terminal (at 22!), and it
was the holistic vet who came over later that day to send her home who
pointed out to me that it was a clear message from the cat that she
was ready to go, and did not want any more intervention. so when they
fight really hard, and use up enormous amounts of energy they don't
have to spare, against my help, i honor that. i guess it really
depends on what the condition is, and whether or not there is a real
possibility of turning the situation around. even tho we never really
can know for sure.... i have come to believe, tho, and this is MY
opinion, that it is better to send them on one day too soon, than ten
minutes too late, if that ten minutes mean they are suffering.

i don't for a minute mean to imply that it's EVER an easy decision to make.

On 1/30/07, Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

      I agree sometimes you come to a point where you have to consider
letting them go but in my opinion and my opinion only assist feeding and
fluids are in NO way going too far.  ANY cat that doesn't feel well for
whatever reason can and most likely will stop eating, and dehydration makes
a cat feel like sh*t, so they will not eat.  Same as anyone or anything that
doesn't feel good not eating is the first thing that happens.  I don't eat
when I feel like crap, don't know many people that do.  To not try and
assist feed or give fluids when dehydrated to me is not trying the simplest
things to turn a cat around.  Many, many times a cat that looks like crap
and isn't eating because of dehydration will go right to the food bowl once
they are hydrated again, I've seen it and heard of it over and over again.
I also don't know of many cats that love or even like assist feeding but
most will adapt to it eventually.  And for me if they don't and it is too
stressful I will ALWAYS try a feeding tube because I know personally how
great they can be and indirectly know many, many cats that have been saved
and are alive and well 5, 6 and more years later with NO hint of the problem
that caused the inappetence.  Sometimes cat develop anorexia for unknown
reasons, they aren't even sick but obviously if they aren't eating and
nothing is done to intervene they will get sick and die.  Just wanted to
make an argument for the other side which I have personal experience with.

sometimes doing all that is medically possible is NOT the correct
 choice for the cat, tho it may be what seems right for us. i always
 ask the critter--and when they make it clear that they no longer want
 to be treated, and fight assisted feeding and fluids,

happiness is being owned by cats ...


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