no, not that we can't be safe from all hazards, but that we're really
fooling ourselves if we think that our food sources have been safe for
a long time.

we've all heard about SPORADIC outbreaks of e-coli, salmonella, etc
etc.... and seen videos of horrible things happening at
slaughterhouses, but could talk ourselves out of worrying too much
because they WERE hit-and-miss.

think about what this would be like on a human scale if ONE company
was responsible for processing the same percentage of human food as it
turns out menu foods seems to be with pet food.... and with the trend
to multi-national corporations, factory farms  rather than smaller,
individually managed (and maintained) ones, that might be where our
own food supply is heading.

i think this could be the wake-up call we have been not wanting to
hear. sadly, maybe we'll listen more clearly cuz it's our critters....

i guess i'm saying that i'm not really surprised, because too many bad
things have been allowed to go on for a long time, in the name of
"progress," and "corporate ethics." and not enough people have stood
up and said, "NO, this is NOT acceptable."

oh, heck, i have to have a POINT? damn. that may change my whole
outlook on life.

On 3/24/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Perhaps all wheat has gluten, but I highly doubt it all comes from the
same source in China.  I don't know.  Now I have to go find my glasses
and check the label on my Roman Meal bread!  Could it be possible that
Menu Foods also produces processed foods for people too?  Or that they
are not the only ones cutting cost corners by not testing the raw
ingredients that they use in their products?  Sheesh.

Is your point that we are never safe from the hazards of life as we know
it?  I've lived long enough to acknowledge that we can't safeguard
against every frightening contingency out there, (or in our cupboard).
But what's a conscientious human to do?  We have to do what we always
strive to do, keep ourselves as educated and informed as possible,
(thanks to you for alerting us first about this latest plague on our
complacency) and give thanks that we have made it through another day.
I hate it when my nice, safe illusionary cocoon is disrupted.  Are you
saying we should patch our collective cocoons and use prayers and glow
to protect us?  What the heck is your point MC? :-)

TenHouseCats wrote:
> doesn't all wheat have gluten? isn't that why people with celiac
> disease can't eat products with wheat? (and so what, if the same
> equipment was used to process the stuff with rice or something
> else..... i don't think that rat poison  cares what it clings to.)
> what are SAFE sources of protein in this world anymore, anyway? for
> humans OR critters? i just cannot see myself going out and chasing
> down mice for the cats, as much as i love them--and how do i know the
> MICE haven't eaten poison????

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


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