Marissa, my heart hurts with you.


On 3/26/07, Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all.  Thank you so much for all the GLOW and well wishes.  Slinky and I
just got back from the vet (and a spin through the park).  I am sad to
report that his HCT has dropped to just over 5!  It was a little above 7 on
Friday.  The vet didn't even want to give him the IR shot today because she
said his platlettes (sp?) are so low that when they stick him in the vein he
just bleeds.  She thought an IV injection would do more harm than good.

She agrees with me that it's best to let him go.  She said she's never
seen a cat with HCT that low who was still awake and breathing ok (which,
amazingly, he is).  But she also indicated that as the RBC's drop, his
organs will shut down and things will just get worse.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure when this will happen.  I needed to bring him
home right now so I'd have some time to say goodbye and do some of his
favorite things.  But I have a HUUUUGE day at work tomorrow and am not sure
I'll get through it if I put him down tonight.  Tomorrow night I have an
evening meeting for work that I can't get out of!  So it might have to be
Wednesday.  I don't know...I'd just die if he gets worse before then, but
some things can't be rescheduled (I've already missed several days of work
to take care of him and be with him).

He's pretty much the same...still breathing fine, eating, drinking, and
using his box.  So I guess for now I'll just see how it goes.  They said
they'd fit me in any time.

Thanks again for all your support!  I will be getting another kitty
eventually (he is my only and my first as an adult!!)...but I don't think
I'm up for another FeLV pos.  I'm thinking maybe one who's missing an eye or
has a bad leg or is deaf or something.  Something that makes them difficult
to adopt but isn't life threatening...I just don't think I can go through
this again right now.

I hope all your furkids are well.  I'll let you know when I need to add
Slinky to the CLS.


MJ and Slinky

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