Oh Sherry I'm so pleased to read VitterVits is home with you!! The feeling of wanting to take every single furry friend home must be enormous given your volunteer work, if this girl had that great a pull on your heart, I'm positive you did the right thing in bringing her home. I can't wait to see the pictures! Thank you so much for the good news. Let us know how her acclimation goes. I'm imagining her surrounded by her newly acquired harem of boy cats. You fellows behave respectfully with your new sister! How old is she again?

Sherry DeHaan wrote:
So I did it,I brought home my beautiful felv+ baby girl tonight.So far they are doing pretty good.She is checking out her new home and her new brothers are checking her out.She is doing all the hissing but nothing severe.I sure hope I did the right thing. Dr. Jen said that I better take her tonight cause she had a e-mail about someone interested in adopting her.I think it was a plot to make sure I took her. :) Oh well she is MINE now. :)
I will post some pics for you to see her soon.Take care.
Sherry and her 5 beautiful babies


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