i always liked five...... tho i can barely remember that far back.

On 5/22/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Ha!  I told her that!  I even have another tuxedo cat that would fit in
nicely with her color scheme, (both Tux and Sam are tuxies).  Connie's not
going for it though.  I think it's a great idea.  I remember reading
somewhere that the perfect number for cat dynamics is something like 5 or 6
cats.  I'm perfectly happy to accommodate her with meeting that quota, but
she's hesitant for some reason :-) .

Susan Hoffman wrote:

Throw in a third cat?  That will alter the dynamic.


I'm thinking of contacting the fire department to see if I can lease one
of those airplanes that dump water/chemicals on fires.  I could fill the
hold with anti-stink and have them dump it on my house.

My sister has all of two cats and one of them climbed on her table
yesterday and while Connie watched in horror. squatted and peed in her very
expensive, (well previously expensive) purse.  Of course this is a rescue
kitty that I begged her to adopt from me.  She loves Sammy, he's a sweet,
sweet boy that cuddles under the covers with her at night, but she's been
asking me what to do about this and I'm running out of ideas.  This is the
third time he's done his inappropriate urinating in the last couple of
months.  The first time was in one of those cardboard scratching boxes on
the floor, the second was in my dad's backpack while he was visiting, and
now the purse that Tux treats like his mother, (Tux has been known to seek
out this purse and rub and nurse on it).  She's already taken Sam to the vet
for a check up and urinalysis; he's healthy as can be.  She's added
additional litter boxes.  That seemed to help for a little while and he uses
them most of the time.  The two cats get along for the most part, but Sammy
is older and they do sometimes scuffle when Tux becomes too energetic.  (You
may remember Tux as the kitty that gave us all a scare when he went missing
for 3 days and ended up being locked in the attached garage the entire
time).  I'm pretty sure this has something to do with the dynamic between
the two cats, (Sam is Connie's cat and Tux is more bonded to her son
Justin), or at least some sort of territorial/jealousy thing.  I suggested
keeping Sam confined to her bedroom for a couple of days to see if he
appreciates the alone time, and a litter box that is not contaminated with
Tux smells.  I thought she could try that at least when she's not home, but
she doesn't want to segregate Sam.  Sam used to be an indoor/outdoor cat
that never used litter in the house.  I'm wondering if the problems would
stop if he had access to the outside, but Connie lives in coyote country.  I
suggested a trip to Home Depot to construct an attached outdoor habitat, but
she thinks that's extreme.  Ha!  She don't know extreme!  Anyone have any


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Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


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