We went straight to chemo. With Coconut, he was treated ini the oncology section of the All Care Trauma Center in Fountain Valley, CA. JuneAmy, who I lost just over a year ago, was treated at the U of WI vet school. Her lymphoma was an extremely fast growing type & we lost her. If it is lymphoma with Wallace, I would join the yahoogroup lymphoma list. There's a lot of good people & information there.


Jean wrote:
--- Pam Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jean, I have had 2 kitties with lymphoma & neither
of them had FeLV. I think an ultrasound done by an expereienced
ultrasonagrapher is definitely in order.

Yes, that's the next step. I'm sitting here at home
waiting for the vet to call me back to let me know if
he's confirmed the sonographer appointment. Doc says
next after that is biopsy.

You've gone through this -- what happens next? Thank
you so much for responding!

-Jean, off to syringe-feed Wallace more A/D and KMR

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