Here are some sites with info about FIP. Just because the same misinformation keeps getting repeated isn't going to make it true.* *To many cats pay with their lives when incorrect information is tossed about. To say a cat is suspected to have FIP is one thing, to say is is confirmed without the proper verification procedures being followed is in my opinion criminal.*
This is from the VeterinaryPartner.com website written and maintained by vets, it is from 2002 so even this is probably no the most accurate info:*


FIP effusion fluid is thick, tenacious, straw-colored to deep golden, and clear to slightly cloudy.
*From another Vet Website, again written in 2002:*

When cats have the "effusive" form of FIP in which abdominal fluid accumulation occurs, the thick, straw colored fluid has characteristics that strongly suggest FIP. It is possible to run a more specialized lab test, a polymerase chain reaction test for FIP, on this fluid. This type of testing is more accurate than FIP antibody testing but still is not definitive. Blood tests to compare the various protein levels in the blood can be very suggestive of FIP infection, as well. High immunglobulin levels are very suggestive of FIP in the presence of clinical signs. *Despite all of this, there is no clear-cut way to make a sure diagnosis of FIP prior to death.*
*This person does Dr Addie's website and probably has some of the most current and factual info on FIP:

*3) Verify FIP through histopathology*. Simply necropsy is not enough. Microscopic evaluation of tissue from biopsy or necropsy by a trained pathologist is considered the only diagnostic proof of FIP. Where available request immunoperoxidase examination of tissue to verify presence of Corona virus in suspect tissue.

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