  I'm so sorry to read about your loss of Wallace.  I'm sorry.

Jean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Greetings, folks. 

I'd like to thank everybody for the support and
suggestions through my Wallace's brief-but-terminal
illness. I'm sorry to report that he left this world
on July 4 at 6:40PM, in my arms.

My LJ post is here:

and a portrait I'd taken last year is here:

I love digital photography, and it's made great
portraits of my kitties possible. If you try, make
sure you have a macro function (it's usually the
little flower on a button) so you get their little
faces in focus.

This is a wonderful group of people, and I'm grateful
for all the help and support I got. I joined because I
was trying to help a FeLeuk cat (not mine) find a
home, and one of you wonderful people took Aries in
and from all reports, he's happy and healthy. I salute
the good work you all do, caring for these kitties.

Again, thanks.


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