Hey Sally,

I wanted Pat to understand that the vision loss for Mandy is NOT directly 
related to FeLV, as her vet indicated, but indirectly, meaning there is 
probably a cause for the vision loss, like Junior's Uveitis.  If they can 
diagnose it, then further loss of vision or of the eye will hopefully cease if 
treated.  If the vet just says 'oh it's vision loss attributable to FeLV', and 
does nothing about it, then Mandy could lose her eyesight or eyes completely.  
Hopefully her new vet will be on top of this.

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----- Original Message ----
From: Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 8:32:12 PM
Subject: Re: To Pat and Mandy

Junior loss his sight due to uveitis which he developed after becoming FELV 
positive. We cleared the infection but he has limited sight, because the eye is 
permenantly dilated. He also had uveitis in his other eye which had nerve 
damage and he was already blind in that eye. Unfortunately the uveitis somehow 
cause him to get glaucoma in that eye. Now he is on pain meds for teh glaucoma. 
The vet doesn't want to remove the eye due to his being FELV. And as well as he 
has been doing of late, I agree.   

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