Try PetzLife Brush Away.  It works wonders and has really worked for Dixie 
Louise and some dogs I know who have had problems.  Her regular vets are 
totally amazed and is looking into using the product in  their practice.  Also 
add colostrum to the diet and check out the [EMAIL PROTECTED]  group.

Good luck.

                                                 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
                                                 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
                                                 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
                                                                  St. Francis
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Chris 
  Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 10:06 PM
  Subject: Baytril question

  I’ve tried going thru the archives and got some info but just wanted to ask 
if I’m missing anything—hope you bear with me if all this has already been 


  My BigBoy, approx age 8, FELV+, developed the ‘bad breath from hell’.  Though 
I try hard NOT to take him to vet (he gets sooo stressed out), I know that 
stomatitis can be an issue w. FELV+.  Vet says it does look like that’s what he 
has but in early stages—no ulcers in his mouth.  He’s lost one canine tooth 
that he sort of just spit out one day looking like it was just a normal every 
day thing to spit out a tooth! LOL


  Vet put him on Baytril 2x/day and its tough pilling him.  BUT I know that 
trying to feed him liquid antibiotic would be even harder.  I’ve snuck the food 
into some soft treats he likes, some wet food ‘meatballs’ and it usually works 
though he’s pretty good at eating around the pill!  Questions I have:

  1)    Do you know if Baytril leaves an aftertaste in food?  He eats in spurts 
and doesn’t seem to want to eat the wet food if it had the pill stuck in 
it..(the pill that he swallowed without realizing!—LOL)

  2)   He’s been throwing up a bit and I’m wondering if Baytril could be giving 
him an upset stomach…


  Keep in mind that BigBoy is the biggest mush in the world but while he has no 
qualms about lying on my chest or my head or any other part of me when he wants 
to wake me up, I cannot pick him up or otherwise ‘pin him down’ to stick 
anything in his mouth.  He’s not a particularly fussy eater and if he had his 
way, he’d eat people food only (he’s a stray I took in).  He’s the kind of cat 
that you never ever leave chicken or steak on the counter cause he’ll be up 
there in a flash just chomping away!


  Christiane Biagi


  Cell:  914-720-6888



  Katrina Animal Reunion Team (KART)


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