I was getting ready to go to bed, but thought I would answer part of the
question. Baytril is a broad spectrum antibiotic and will kill the good
bacteria in his gut, You need to get some probiotic is him. Yogurt w/ live
cultures. Forti Flora, you can get from the vet or a probiotic from a
vitamin store or section in your department store. I would guess it can
cause stomach upset as well as diarrhea. Junior was pretty good about taking
the taste tabs which are flavored for dogs. I still hid it in some cheese
as that is a favorite treat for him. I think the Bytril itself does not
taste good.


On 8/26/07, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I've tried going thru the archives and got some info but just wanted to
> ask if I'm missing anything—hope you bear with me if all this has already
> been posted.
> My BigBoy, approx age 8, FELV+, developed the 'bad breath from hell'.
> Though I try hard NOT to take him to vet (he gets sooo stressed out), I know
> that stomatitis can be an issue w. FELV+.  Vet says it does look like that's
> what he has but in early stages—no ulcers in his mouth.  He's lost one
> canine tooth that he sort of just spit out one day looking like it was just
> a normal every day thing to spit out a tooth! LOL
> Vet put him on Baytril 2x/day and its tough pilling him.  BUT I know that
> trying to feed him liquid antibiotic would be even harder.  I've snuck the
> food into some soft treats he likes, some wet food 'meatballs' and it
> usually works though he's pretty good at eating around the pill!  Questions
> I have:
> 1)    Do you know if Baytril leaves an aftertaste in food?  He eats in
> spurts and doesn't seem to want to eat the wet food if it had the pill stuck
> in it..(the pill that he swallowed without realizing!—LOL)
> 2)   He's been throwing up a bit and I'm wondering if Baytril could be
> giving him an upset stomach…
> Keep in mind that BigBoy is the biggest mush in the world but while he has
> no qualms about lying on my chest or my head or any other part of me when he
> wants to wake me up, I cannot pick him up or otherwise 'pin him down' to
> stick anything in his mouth.  He's not a particularly fussy eater and if he
> had his way, he'd eat people food only (he's a stray I took in).  He's the
> kind of cat that you never ever leave chicken or steak on the counter cause
> he'll be up there in a flash just chomping away!
> *Christiane Biagi*
> *914-632-4672*
> *Cell:  914-720-6888*
> *Katrina Animal Reunion Team (KART)*
> *www.findkpets.org*
> *Join Us & Help Reunite Katrina-displaced Families with their Animals*

Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little
Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB for some pictures post
your as well.


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