I used Revolution on my Monkee for the 4 years that I had him and we never had a skin reaction or any other problems.  I used it because I wanted to kill as many worms as possible because he had been living outside at lease 6 mths and eating a rabbit, a dove, etc. a day (if not more than one per day-- little monster!)

I use Advantage now though on my indoor foster cat and an outdoor neighborhood cat I am treating for fleas.  Advantage is just easier to come by and I heard that Advantage actually keeps the fleas from actually biting; whereas Revolution, the fleas bite first and then die?  Is is this accurate?  I was told by a vet that Advantage is better for cats with actual flea allergies or flea dermatis because those cats can't get even one flea bite.  If I am wrong about this, someone please correct....??????

I wanted to keep the fleas from actually biting these cats because they seemed so bothered with fleas (scratching and biting ALL THE TIME), whereas, when I had Monkee, he never did that, even in the beginning when he first came in.... 

Advantage works wonderfully tho.  The outdoor kitty, I find her sleeping all the time- whereas before, she had trouble getting restful sleep because of the fleas biting; and she no longer scratches and bites constantly...I can tell that she KNOWS she feels better.  My foster kitty came into my house as a complete flea bag!  She left flea debris all over my bed the first night (ewwwww...I freaked out!).  I put Advantage on her the next day, changed the bed sheets and the very day after, NO FLEA DEBRIS AT ALL.  All I found was 1 dead flea (whoo hoo!).  I believe Advantage starts working within hours.  Very effective.   


From:  "Kelley Saveika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To:  felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
To:  felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject:  Re: fleas arhhhhh
Date:  Mon, 27 Aug 2007 08:45:18 -0500
>On 8/27/07, Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Frontline , Advantage is good, but I would not use Revolution, as as good
> > forfleas, has Ivermec in it, can cause nerve damage in some cats and skin
> > reactions.
>See, I use Revolution every month, especially on my heart disease
>kitty.  I am more worried about heartworms than nerve damage or skin
>reactions.  Not that nerve damage is good, but everything is a
>crapshoot it seems.  I'd rather have nerve damage than heartworms.
>(Not that I want either).
>Some vets lately have been recommending Advantage Plus, which is
>supposed to kill everything Revolution does.  I have not studied it
>yet and it is not available at the source from which I get my
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