Does anyone know if and where I can buy preservative-free Colostrum in more of a bulk form?  I use this on all 5 of my foster kitties and I take the gel caps myself and I am going through it like crazy!!!  Also, all I have found are gel caps, which, depending on the brand, sometimes it takes forever to open up the gel cap and then pour the powder out on top of their food.  Everyone gets fed individually (no food and water sharing except for two of the cats), so this is a lot of opening of gel caps and pouring out of contents!  I just wanted something faster and more cost-effective?  I also give them L-Lysine- which again, I also take and thank god, I found preservative-free L-Lysine in a powder form that comes in a container with a little scooper.  This works so much better-- I just use the scooper to pour the powder on their wet food.  I was looking for something like that for Colostrum.  Does anyone know if that is available? 
We have Whole Foods and Wild Oats here, as well as other independent organic food stores, so if anyone has seen powdered Colostrum at any place like that, please let me know.

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