Excellent, Melissa!

They take them until they figure out that the cat now bites when it feels the 
least bit threatened or it pees & poops everywhere EXCEPT the litterbox due to 
the pain in it's paws from being multilated.

Those were ALWAYS the reasons people would try & dump them@ the shelter that I 
worked @.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Melissa Lind 
  To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
  Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 2:06 PM
  Subject: RE: OT:declawing your cat is illegal...

  I think that this website has some very interesting statistics. Check it out: 


  Go to the FAQ section. Here is an answer I found interesting; I think it (and 
other answers on the site) partially negates the theory that cats are better 
off declawed if someone will take them. They may take them in, but for how 
long? If an owner can't handle a cat with claws, he/she certainly can't handle 
a cat with the resulting physical and psychological damage that often occurs. 
Furthermore, if a person is educated on the atrocities of declawing, and still 
insists upon it, in my opinion, he/she should not be allowed to have pets. I 
think the problem is education. I think people would not wish their pets 
declawed if they truly knew and understood the alternatives and the 
consequences. Read on.


  "Actually, declawed cats may be at a disadvantage. There is evidence that 
declawed cats are disproportionately abandoned at shelters, and that declawed 
cats may be euthanized more often because of the behavioral and physical 
problems that result from declawing. Pet owners typically cite protection of 
their furnishings as being foremost among their reasons for having a cat 
declawed; however, such owners may not realize that the pain and other 
complications from the surgery can cause behavioral problems that are even 
worse than the problems for which the cat's toes were amputated. A cat can 
still bite a child and may become more prone to do so if it has no claws. A cat 
whose paws hurt when scratching in a litter box may avoid the litter box 
altogether, a behavior that may not be tolerated by the owner.


  Alternatives to declawing exist. Nail caps can be glued painlessly to a cat's 
claws to prevent damage due to scratching. A cat can be trained to use 
scratching posts to sharpen its claws without damaging furniture. Also, regular 
nail trimming, repellent sprays, and double-sided tape applied to furniture 
help deter a cat from unwanted scratching.


  In a 1996 JAVMA article, Gary Patronek, VMD, PhD, using multivariate 
statistical analysis, found that declawed cats were at an increased risk of 
relinquishment to animal shelters and that among relinquished cats, 52.4% of 
declawed cats were reported to exhibit litter box avoidance, compared to 29.1% 
of non-declawed cats.


  The risk of cats being relinquished to pounds if the owner cannot declaw the 
animal is grossly overestimated by the veterinary profession. In a survey of 
owners of cats that had been declawed and their veterinarians, reported by Dr. 
Gary Landsberg in Veterinary Forum, September 1994, only 4% of the owners said 
they would have relinquished their pet had it not been declawed. In contrast, 
the veterinarians in the survey speculated that 50% of the owners would have 
relinquished their pets. We could reasonably expect that if cat owners knew the 
risks and alternatives to declawing and if veterinarians took a more active 
role in offering and assisting with the alternatives (such as nail caps and 
nail trimming), the 4% figure would be further reduced. As veterinarian 
Nicholas Dodman, board-certified animal behaviorist and Professor at Tufts 
University School of Veterinary Medicine, says, "There are very few people of 
this ilk (who would euthanize a cat if it could not be declawed) who could not 
be reeducated by an enthusiastic and well-informed veterinarian as to the 
inhumanity of this approach."


  Janet Scarlett, DVM, of Cornell University, in the article, "The Role of 
Veterinary Practitioners in Reducing Dog and Cat Relinquishments and 
Euthanasias (JAVMA, February 1, 2002), states that client counseling is 
"probably the most effective means by which veterinarians can influence the 
number of dogs and cats surrendered to animal shelters today." Veterinarians 
have an opportunity to intervene because people relinquishing pets are 
veterinary clients. An estimated 50-70% of pets in shelters had visited the 
veterinarian in the year preceding relinquishment. Yet, Dr. Scarlett reports, 
"Only 25% of veterinarians routinely actively identify and treat behavioral 
problems." She writes, "Less than a third felt confident of their ability to 
treat common behavioral problems. Perhaps even more disturbing, only 11.1% of 
veterinarians felt it was the veterinarian's responsibility, rather than the 
client's, to initiate discussion about behavioral problems." Dr. Scarlett 
admonishes veterinarians to ask specifically about problem behaviors to uncover 
problems that clients are reluctant to mention or that they may not realize can 
be modified. Once identified, appropriate interventions can be recommended. It 
seems clear that the real solution to the euthanasia concern will be convincing 
veterinarians to offer proper education. Treating a behavioral problem such as 
scratching with a surgical procedure is expedient, but doesn't deal the root 
cause and perpetuates the misconceptions and unreasonable expectations about 
pet behavior that too often result in abandonment and death."




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