El, I started BooBoo on the Transfer Factor today.  I don't know if it will 
help but I'll try anything.  Karen told me to give it to him like any other 
pill but we had to rush him in today as I mentioned for another 100 cc to be 
taken from his lungs so a little while ago I got some food that has a lot of 
juice in it and broke one of the capsules and mixed the powder into the juice.  
He licked a lot of it but hopefully will go back to eat the rest in a while.  I 
have to be careful giving this guy pills because he gets pretty frantic and 
that can't be good for his breathing so I'm gonna try to get a capsule in him 
daily one trick or another.  Poor Boo has a bit of a heart murmur too, but then 
again, so does my 19 year old cat and me as well and we're doing ok.  I joined 
the FIP group.  I'm growing exhausted reading and researching these diseases, 
always looking for a ray of hope only to find more dismal results.  We're kind 
of on a path now and other than the Transfer Factor and lung draining we will 
just try to live a normal human/cat life.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: whocares whocares 
  To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
  Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 2:15 PM
  Subject: RE: more questions and thankyou

  Oh boy, I'm sorry I opened Pandora's box here. Thank you Karen. I will call 
you this evening and thank you for the distributor number.
  Is Immune Regulin readily available to vets everywhere? These guys blood 
panels are awful.
  Some of these little guys have come back FeLV-. I've had them vaxed for FeLV. 
I know they need retesting but it gives me a bit of hope. The vet says he's 
found that the vax isn't very good and that it works about 40% of the time. 
Another vet said it works up to 70% so who knows. It's the best I can do.
  I'm very worried about two of these little ones that are really sick - the 
one who had the severely infected mouth still is coughing and sneezing and some 
diahrea although the Neorase and probiotics help somewhat. The other little guy 
is about 2 and also has a heart murmur. He has spurts of energy but mostly 
rests. His URI is so stubborn, and he's still pussy despite all efforts so far. 
  My own little guys are starting to feel the strain and my HCM guy is having 
some problems as are a few others, and I'm getting weary.
  Lynne, my heart goes out to you. I'm sorry BooBoo is so very ill. I also 
would highly recommend the FIP group and the Australian FIP group. They are 
very knowledgeable.
  The first website I checked out was the Cornell one. Does anyone know of any  
informative websites? One thing that doesn't make sense to me is to bleach 
everything and then ONLY vacuum carpets. Carpets are known to harbor pathogens. 
 Anyway, it seems conflicting but like I said I don't know anything about this.



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