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On 2/29/08, Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can order ImmunoRegulin yourself - that's what I've done.  Vet can of
> course get it.  I ordered it from RevivalAnimal.com and they also sell it
> thru Amazon.com <http://amazon.com/>
> Gloria
>  On Feb 29, 2008, at 1:15 PM, whocares whocares wrote:
>  Oh boy, I'm sorry I opened Pandora's box here. Thank you Karen. I will
> call you this evening and thank you for the distributor number.
> Is Immune Regulin readily available to vets everywhere? These guys blood
> panels are awful.
> Some of these little guys have come back FeLV-. I've had them vaxed for
> FeLV. I know they need retesting but it gives me a bit of hope. The vet says
> he's found that the vax isn't very good and that it works about 40% of the
> time. Another vet said it works up to 70% so who knows. It's the best I can
> do.
> I'm very worried about two of these little ones that are really sick - the
> one who had the severely infected mouth still is coughing and sneezing and
> some diahrea although the Neorase and probiotics help somewhat. The other
> little guy is about 2 and also has a heart murmur. He has spurts of energy
> but mostly rests. His URI is so stubborn, and he's still pussy despite all
> efforts so far.
> My own little guys are starting to feel the strain and my HCM guy is
> having some problems as are a few others, and I'm getting weary.
> Lynne, my heart goes out to you. I'm sorry BooBoo is so very ill. I also
> would highly recommend the FIP group and the Australian FIP group. They are
> very knowledgeable.
> The first website I checked out was the Cornell one. Does anyone know of
> any  informative websites? One thing that doesn't make sense to me is to
> bleach everything and then ONLY vacuum carpets. Carpets are known to harbor
> pathogens.  Anyway, it seems conflicting but like I said I don't know
> anything about this.
> Thanks

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