What wonderful work you do Kelley.  How old is Jack?  Has he showed any 
symptoms?  I have little knowledge of this horrible disease, just my own 
experience with my little guy who died, but I think if the lady is feeding him 
well and he'd doing ok I wouldn't alarm her with this news.  Maybe just tell 
her the prognosis and to watch for signs of the disease.  What else can you do. 
 If he becomes ill and expensive medications are out of the question then I 
guess we know what has to be done.  

That's rea;;u moce tjat upi are offering the free spay/neuter to people.  I got 
our Snowy from TLC animal aid and that was included in the fee.  $125.00.  We 
still haven't had her spayed because she suffered a little setback and had to 
have minor surgery, but when we do get her spayed, I'm gonna pay the fee anyway 
or give it to TLC.   The vets that work for these organizations around here are 
extremely generous with their services to needy animals.  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kelley Saveika 
  To: felvtalk 
  Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 8:55 PM
  Subject: Neighbor's cat double pos

  Hi guys,

  Lately Rescuties has been expanding our services to include a limited amount 
of free spay/neuter for the pets of handicapped or housebound folks in the 
area.  I have a neighbor who is wheelchair bound, so we took her female cat up 
to be spayed a couple of weeks ago.  Today we had their male cat, Jack, 

  Sadly, Jack is double positive.  I guess we can have him tested again in 6 
months, but we aren't going to be able to do the IFA and certainly no 
aggressive treatment if he gets sick.  We just don't have the funds.  I wish we 
had enough money to help every kitty in Austin, but our primary focus is 
adoption, and this kitty already has a home.  

  I have no clue what to do here, or how to advise this woman.  She is 
wheelchair bound and the food she feeds the animals comes from the grocery 
store, which she rides to on her wheelchair.  The family does not own a car and 
I am assuming whatever money they get comes from disability (I didn't ask, I 
don't like to pry and my primary focus is the cats) but premium foods, 
supplements and the things we usually advise are probably out of the question.

  I didn't want to distress or scare her too much - does anyone have any links 
to "non scary" FELV info for the lay person?  These are nice kind animal loving 
people, but not highly educated in cat diseases.  I don't know if they have 
internet or not.  There is another cat in the home we will be having tested 
tomorrow (which really is getting outside of our scope again, but what can you 

  Any advice is appreciated.


  Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


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  "Rather than helping, it's easier to point fingers and say "take them first 
as long as you leave me alone". 


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