heather, i'm so sorry about sissy leaving--sometimes they just really need
to be with one another, i think.

GLOW that their reunion be joyful, and to heal your heart.


2008/6/28 Debbie Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>  Heather, I would like to introduce myself...I joined a couple of week
> back.  I have been fostering/rescuing kittehs for the past 11 years in the
> Sanford/Orlando area.  My first and only experience with Felv was not too
> long ago...and frankly, I knew next to nothing about the
> dise...ase...imagine my horror in finding out that an adult cat can throw
> the virus!!  Mr. Thomas, a gorgeous cat who wandered into my life, turned
> out to be +...after they did his neuter....myvet at the time told me he
> could NOT be outdoors anymore....and that he was putting all of my other 13
> rescues at risk if I kept him inside...I find myself wondering if this
> darling young fellow might have survived...had I just researched a little
> more...I found may sanctuaries and shelters that would take FIV cats, but
> not one that would help with Felv.....my heart still aches for Mr. Thomas.
> Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I am close by if you should ever
> need anything.
> Debbie (COL)
> "You gotta bloom where you're planted!"
> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 15:42:56 -0400
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Sissy has joined Hobbs, 6/27/08
> With much sadness, I wanted to share with everyone that Hobbs' sister,
> Sissy, has  now joined him.   The loss of her dear brother affected Sissy
> very much, which was to be expected as they were quite bonded, and she began
> to take a similar road as Hobbs did in his final days.   Their people-Mom
> Jann had wanted to avoid Sissy suffering as she felt Hobbs did, and had
> planned for her to cross this morning, though unfortunately they had a very
> bad night, and stayed the night in the garage together, where Sissy had
> actually been spending a lot of time lately.
> I apologize that I haven't been active since the outpouring of support from
> you all regarding the loss of Hobbs, unfortunately the following week we
> lost another FELV+ rescue, Shennanigans (whom a friend in another city had
> given a home to for these last 3 months), and also a dear Torti rescue named
> Freckles who we found living in a woman's yard, very ill and with an old &
> very uncomfortable injury.   She was such a sweet, beautiful kitty and her
> spirit really touched us all very much, a rescue was assisting with her
> medical care but force feeding with her injury was very stressful for
> Freckles, and her caregiver, and given the severity of her illness (which
> prevented her from being a candidate for surgery for her long-healed injury,
> unless she made a remarkable recovery), they felt it was best to release her
> from her pain.   I found out after the fact and have struggled with it ever
> since as I feel I didn't do enough for her, soon enough, and wonder if
> things could have been different.
> Shennanigans was a beautiful little charcoal grey long haired kitty whom we
> found outside at my vets, likely dumped around Febuary.   She appeared to be
> only 4 - 5 months old, though we aren't really sure.   The woman who she
> went to live with said her vet thought she might be older than we initially
> thought, she wasn't spayed when we found her and I still think she was a
> pretty young kitty.   Her initial FELV test was a "weak"+.
> I really should have posted about Shennanigans here but was fairly numb
> with all of the loss.    I was not the direct caregiver, but the rescuer,
> for these kitties so can only imagine what my friends have been going
> through as they loved them all dearly.   Even if it was only for 3 months, I
> know Shennanigans spent those last 3 months sleeping in a bed with someone,
> though she was afraid of the other cats.
> What Jann did for Hobbs and Sissy, giving two little FELV+ kittens a home
> which is so hard to find, I will be eternally grateful for.    I hate the
> pain it's caused her, yet she is such a giving soul and does nothing but
> thank me for entrusting her with their care and for the precious time she
> had with them over this last year.   While I am always full of doubts as to
> how I handle things, I am so confident in the wonderful, loving happy lives
> they had with Jann, no matter how short.   I just hate how painful the "end"
> has been.   She still has their Mother, a double+ kitty I found at my "new"
> job with an eye & ear injury, she has outlived all of her kittens--I found
> them all last April under a trailer behind my new office.   I had moved
> accross campus after almost 20 years in the same building, and kept looking
> for a "sign from God" as to whether I should make the move...when I found
> Mom & her babies, and their testing status, I knew had anyone else found
> them they'd most likely have immediately been put down, and that they were
> the "sign" I was looking for.
> We also have a new Leuk+ rescue, this poor kitty had scabies so bad his
> eyes were crusted shut (and still are quite infected), a friend made a
> heroic rescue standing on a truck and plucking this kitty out of a tree, and
> it hit hard when we found out he was leuk+.   We are still looking for a
> home for him, and he is still boarding at the vets being treated (3 weeks
> now), but we are glad we've had the chance to give him the chance he
> deserves to feel good love and care.
> Well I am sorry as this must be a very sad update...but I know you all will
> keep Sissy, Hobbs, Shennangans, and Jann & Kate the loving humans they've
> left behind, in your close thoughts and prayers.   Please add them to the
> candle light memorial service.
> Thank you all for giving kitties with leukemia a chance, no one should have
> to lose the chance to know love just because of what is in their blood.
> Heather
> Tampa, FL
> ------------------------------
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Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


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