Speaking of hindsight--I see that I had some stupid typos and am sorry!

Mango was also FELV+, and Motley the newer rescue is as well, and both are
males...I hate accidentally referring to someone as the wrong sex!   My
fingers can't keep up with my brain...in fact, nothing is keeping up with
each other very well these days:-)

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 10:13 PM, Heather Wienker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am catching up as I haven't had much pc time till I got back to work this
> week (and it's year end at work), I really thank you all, Lynne, Diane,
> Sharyl, Mary Christine and Debbie, for your sentiments.   Friday I sent Jann
> a link to the archives so she could read as well and it's meant very much to
> her.   We agree that Hobbs and Sissy needed each other.
> Debbie, I think I may recognize your name, are you on the FloridasCats
> group, and do you perhaps work with Candy's Cats?
> I am very sorry to hear of what happened....every "lesson" I've learned in
> rescue has been quite painful, and it's not your fault what the vet advised
> you, happens all of the time.    We had a recent case with a beautiful,
> young (1 yr old) super friendly Orange kitty Mango, whom a non-rescue woman
> rescued....she was going to put him down, we urged her not to since he
> seemed to feel so good and she had no cats, but wasn't able to adopt for
> other reasons....she was really nice and did want to help him, she did the
> IFA test which I think showed him to be stage 4 or 5.   She was going on
> vacation and we all urged her to let her live out whatever happy time he may
> have, but she felt it best to put him down before he became ill.   While I
> really wish that had gone differently, on the converse, I know Jann grieves
> and has guilt for the last week Hobbs went through force feedings and such
> as she felt he suffered.
> Hindsight...is a painful thing.
> Debbie, we do have this sweet rescue Motley we are trying to place, he's
> been at the vet a month and does need someone who can continue his eye meds,
> if you know of any possibilities, let me know and feel free to contact me
> anytime on Florida kitty issues.   I am mostly a feral cat person but as I
> feed cats in 14 different spots (fortunately mostly small colonies, some
> only 1 or 2 cats) I find myself involved in all kinds of rescue stuff.  I am
> definitely on major overload but also wanted to mention as there are some
> "sanctuary" and rescue type places in Florida that are not to be trusted, so
> always feel free if you'd like to see if I've heard of someone you are
> considering dealing with, etc.
> Thank you all for keeping the love alive for these special kitties; even if
> those born with, or later infected with Leukemia, aren't expected to have
> long lives, they certainly deserve as much love as they can have while they
> are here.
> Thank you for being their voice.
> Heather
>   On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 2:16 PM, MaryChristine <
>> heather, i'm so sorry about sissy leaving--sometimes they just really need
>> to be with one another, i think.
>> GLOW that their reunion be joyful, and to heal your heart.
>> MC
>> 2008/6/28 Debbie Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>   Heather, I would like to introduce myself...I joined a couple of week
>>> back.  I have been fostering/rescuing kittehs for the past 11 years in the
>>> Sanford/Orlando area.  My first and only experience with Felv was not too
>>> long ago...and frankly, I knew next to nothing about the
>>> dise...ase...imagine my horror in finding out that an adult cat can throw
>>> the virus!!  Mr. Thomas, a gorgeous cat who wandered into my life, turned
>>> out to be +...after they did his neuter....myvet at the time told me he
>>> could NOT be outdoors anymore....and that he was putting all of my other 13
>>> rescues at risk if I kept him inside...I find myself wondering if this
>>> darling young fellow might have survived...had I just researched a little
>>> more...I found may sanctuaries and shelters that would take FIV cats, but
>>> not one that would help with Felv.....my heart still aches for Mr. Thomas.
>>> Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I am close by if you should
>>> ever need anything.
>>> Debbie (COL)
>>> "You gotta bloom where you're planted!"
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 15:42:56 -0400
>>> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>>> Subject: Sissy has joined Hobbs, 6/27/08
>>>   With much sadness, I wanted to share with everyone that Hobbs' sister,
>>> Sissy, has  now joined him.   The loss of her dear brother affected Sissy
>>> very much, which was to be expected as they were quite bonded, and she began
>>> to take a similar road as Hobbs did in his final days.   Their people-Mom
>>> Jann had wanted to avoid Sissy suffering as she felt Hobbs did, and had
>>> planned for her to cross this morning, though unfortunately they had a very
>>> bad night, and stayed the night in the garage together, where Sissy had
>>> actually been spending a lot of time lately.
>>> I apologize that I haven't been active since the outpouring of support
>>> from you all regarding the loss of Hobbs, unfortunately the following week
>>> we lost another FELV+ rescue, Shennanigans (whom a friend in another city
>>> had given a home to for these last 3 months), and also a dear Torti rescue
>>> named Freckles who we found living in a woman's yard, very ill and with an
>>> old & very uncomfortable injury.   She was such a sweet, beautiful kitty and
>>> her spirit really touched us all very much, a rescue was assisting with her
>>> medical care but force feeding with her injury was very stressful for
>>> Freckles, and her caregiver, and given the severity of her illness (which
>>> prevented her from being a candidate for surgery for her long-healed injury,
>>> unless she made a remarkable recovery), they felt it was best to release her
>>> from her pain.   I found out after the fact and have struggled with it ever
>>> since as I feel I didn't do enough for her, soon enough, and wonder if
>>> things could have been different.
>>> Shennanigans was a beautiful little charcoal grey long haired kitty whom
>>> we found outside at my vets, likely dumped around Febuary.   She appeared to
>>> be only 4 - 5 months old, though we aren't really sure.   The woman who she
>>> went to live with said her vet thought she might be older than we initially
>>> thought, she wasn't spayed when we found her and I still think she was a
>>> pretty young kitty.   Her initial FELV test was a "weak"+.
>>> I really should have posted about Shennanigans here but was fairly numb
>>> with all of the loss.    I was not the direct caregiver, but the rescuer,
>>> for these kitties so can only imagine what my friends have been going
>>> through as they loved them all dearly.   Even if it was only for 3 months, I
>>> know Shennanigans spent those last 3 months sleeping in a bed with someone,
>>> though she was afraid of the other cats.
>>> What Jann did for Hobbs and Sissy, giving two little FELV+ kittens a home
>>> which is so hard to find, I will be eternally grateful for.    I hate the
>>> pain it's caused her, yet she is such a giving soul and does nothing but
>>> thank me for entrusting her with their care and for the precious time she
>>> had with them over this last year.   While I am always full of doubts as to
>>> how I handle things, I am so confident in the wonderful, loving happy lives
>>> they had with Jann, no matter how short.   I just hate how painful the "end"
>>> has been.   She still has their Mother, a double+ kitty I found at my "new"
>>> job with an eye & ear injury, she has outlived all of her kittens--I found
>>> them all last April under a trailer behind my new office.   I had moved
>>> accross campus after almost 20 years in the same building, and kept looking
>>> for a "sign from God" as to whether I should make the move...when I found
>>> Mom & her babies, and their testing status, I knew had anyone else found
>>> them they'd most likely have immediately been put down, and that they were
>>> the "sign" I was looking for.
>>> We also have a new Leuk+ rescue, this poor kitty had scabies so bad his
>>> eyes were crusted shut (and still are quite infected), a friend made a
>>> heroic rescue standing on a truck and plucking this kitty out of a tree, and
>>> it hit hard when we found out he was leuk+.   We are still looking for a
>>> home for him, and he is still boarding at the vets being treated (3 weeks
>>> now), but we are glad we've had the chance to give him the chance he
>>> deserves to feel good love and care.
>>> Well I am sorry as this must be a very sad update...but I know you all
>>> will keep Sissy, Hobbs, Shennangans, and Jann & Kate the loving humans
>>> they've left behind, in your close thoughts and prayers.   Please add them
>>> to the candle light memorial service.
>>> Thank you all for giving kitties with leukemia a chance, no one should
>>> have to lose the chance to know love just because of what is in their blood.
>>> Heather
>>> Tampa, FL
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>> --
>> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
>> Maybe That'll Make The Difference....
>> MaryChristine
>> go to my blog for updates: if you don't have the address, then you're not
>> supposed to.
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