Can you find an ER vet? I am glad you are syringe feeding her. Are you able
to get into her the normal amount of food she would eat in a day? You might
want to join feline assisted feeding yahoo group. Cats can go into liver
failure after only 48 hours without their normal food intake. When my cats
have started the fast breathing it has been very serious. Normal BPM is
around 25. If she is having trouble breathing she may not want to eat. Good
luck. Pls keep us posted.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Hiromi Page
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Pixie didn't eat during the five days I was away

Hello Giselle,


I took Puma (4 or 5-year old male FeLV+) to a vet for blood test one day.
Then, a several days later, he stopped eating.  He didn't eat for a couple

His ears and gums looked pale.  He was breathing laboriously. My vet gave
him fluid and B12 shot.  Next day, he started to eat, and everything was
back to normal.

In my case, I believe that withdrawing the blood caused Puma to become sick
(He has severe anemia), so it may be a little different from Pixie's case,
but I would think that at least giving fluid would ease Pixie's current


> From:
> To:
> Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 21:02:52 +0000
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Pixie didn't eat during the five days I was away
> Hi everyone,
> Pixie is my best buddy and constant companion as I work from home. She's a
4-year old female FeLV+. Last Thursday I went away for 5 days, leaving her
home alone with a neighbor coming over for at least an hour each day to keep
her company, feed wet food, brush, clean litterbox, etc. I returned from my
trip yesterday and immediately knew something was wrong -- Pixie didn't come
greet me and her dry food and water bowls were almost totally full (how I
left them before leaving on Thursday).
> The neighbor said Pixie didn't eat her wet food either. She is now much
skinnier around the midsection/haunches and clearly weak. Straight away I
syringe-fed her a wet food & water slurry before rushing over to the vet
where the vet on duty found Pixie had lost over 1 lb (since she was last
weighed in 2007) and said her gums and eyes looked pale. The vet suggested
Pixie might have nonregenerative anemia linked to bone marrow failure. 
> She had some blood drawn, got weighed and had temperature taken but that's
it. I'm waiting to hear the blood work results tomorrow. Vet didn't even
recommend how to deal with the weight loss and probable dehydration. Didn't
suggest x-rays either. This woman basically shrugged when I asked about
courses of treatment (like, why bother?) for a FeLV cat who might have
> Bottom line: I'm terrified about Pixie and don't know what to do to help
her recover. She's my second cat ever, and first cat I've been primary
caregiver to. I feel guilty about going away at all last week, but she had
been OK on previous occasions when I travelled. I've been syringe-feeding
her slurries every 2 hours all day but she doesn't seem to be regaining
strength and she's breathing faster than normal and I catch her staring
> Any advice from you guys is much appreciated. 
> Thanks,
> Giselle
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