Good question - I never use aspirin with cats.

On May 30, 2009, at 8:41 AM, Lorrie wrote:

Two different vets told me one whole baby aspirin (enteric coated)
every 48 hours, for full grown cats, was the proper does.


On 05-29, Diane Rosenfeldt wrote:

Did the vet say a whole baby aspirin?  On the internet I'm seeing
that the recommended dose is 1/4 of a baby aspirin every 3 or 4
days, since cats' livers don't process aspirin very well.  It's not
common but not unheard of for a vet to prescribe aspirin, but
usually a mini-dose as described.  Is there an emergency vet where
you live that you can call to check whether the dose you gave Darcy
is okay?  I'm not trying to scare you (I know, probably too late
for that) but if another vet thinks the dose your vet said is okay,
then it probably is, but if it isn't you'll want to know that asap,

I would assume you have checked the incision site for inflammation?

Here are big vibes that Darcy feels better very soon without further
intervention.  Hugs to you.

Diane R.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jody Butler
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 10:37 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Thoughts & Prayers Needed for Darcy

Our sweet baby, Darcy, ten months old and FeLV+ was neutered on Tuesday.? We brought her home Wednesday and she seemed okay, considering she'd just had
Yesterday she was in more pain, but we just figured the pain shot they'd
given that was supposed to be good for two days was wearing off.
Today is even worse.? I called the vet this AM.? She suggested giving a baby
aspirin, which I did before going to work.
Tonight, she barely lifts her head and is mewing so pitifully.? She ate some earlier in the day but won't eat tonight.? I called the vet again, and she had me give 1/8 of an antibiotic and we'll bring her in tomorrow morning first thing.? We've had other FeLV kitties neutered with no troubles, but
I'm getting scared tonight.
I just needed to share this tonight.? Any encouraging words or suggestions
are greatly appreciated!
Jody (& Darcy)

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