Sending prayers for sweet Darcy. The exact same thing happened with my FeLV Flavia and she recovered: She did so badly after her spay (the boys all did fine; it's the females that have it harder), that when i took her to the vet as an emergency I was totally distraught thinking she would have to be euthanized (a housecall vet who came the night before and gave her fluids had basically washed his hands of her in the morning when I called to tell him she was still not eating). My *new* vet showed me how to assist feed her--which made all the difference. So important to get those calories inside. I'm sure she gave her antibiotics too, maybe even more painkiller but i can't recall. She recovered beautifully. Please let us know how Darcy does. Darcy and her mom are in my thoughts.
hugs, Kerry

Our sweet baby, Darcy, ten months old and FeLV+ was neutered on Tuesday. We brought her home Wednesday and she seemed okay, considering she'd just had surgery.

Yesterday she was in more pain, but we just figured the pain shot they'd given that was supposed to be good for two days was wearing off.

Today is even worse. I called the vet this AM. She suggested giving a baby aspirin, which I did before going to work.

Tonight, she barely lifts her head and is mewing so pitifully. She ate some earlier in the day but won't eat tonight. I called the vet again, and she had me give 1/8 of an antibiotic and we'll bring her in tomorrow morning first thing. We've had other FeLV kitties neutered with no troubles, but I'm getting scared tonight.

I just needed to share this tonight. Any encouraging words or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Jody (& Darcy)

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