
I used the Mega C Plus on a feral FeLV cat for six months
but ultimately he did not seroconvert because it was already
in his bone marrow.  Had I the opportunity to start
megadoses of oral vitamin C at the beginning stages of his
virus he would likely still be alive, because like taking C
for the common cold, timing is key in stopping the
progression of viruses.    

Ascorbic acid is critical for prevention and optimal health
in cats and dogs, but it is nearly impossible to get enough
of it into a cat orally to eradicate an aggressive,
life-threatening virus once well-established.  Cats and dogs
make very little vitamin C in the liver compared to most
animals, hence the reason they succumb to these diseases.  I
talked with Wendell Belfield, DVM about his use of this
protocol and he confirmed that if the
infection/disease/virus is too advanced a more aggressive
approach is necessary through sub-Q or IM injections or
intravenous infusions.  

Though an excellent formula, his oral Mega-C Plus contains
iron, which can limit the amount than can be used
therapeutically.  Otherwise, there is no toxic limit for
pure ascorbic acid and the more you can get into the cat up
to bowel tolerance, the more beneficial.  When the body is
under stress (animal or human) and fighting illness, more
vitamin C is tolerated and necessary to eradicate the
disease/virus.  The myths about kidney stones, peeing
expensive urine, etc., are just that - myths, propagated by
those who would stand to lose huge money were ascorbic acid
widely accepted and used for eradicating disease.  Vitamin C
has been known to fight 30 major diseases for over 50 years,
and as Wendell Belfield DVM knew well and practiced from the
1960s on, it also cures cat and dog viruses, infection and

Giving high doses of sodium ascorbate intravenously to an
FeLV cat in the early stages of the disease should
permanently eradicate the FeLV virus as it did with FIP in
my kitten, and in fact, ANY virus.  I am preparing to do
just such a trial on the next newly diagnosed FeLV kitten
that comes into my care.  The key is catching it early and
administering enough to permanently destroy the virus.  

With my two FIP kittens, Chuckie was the first to become
symptomatic.  We administered IV sodium ascorbate (vitamin
C) at 1 gram per pound of body weight (5,000 mg daily) for
five days.  We stopped the drips when he appeared better,
though he soon took a nose dive and by the time my vet
opened again he was too far gone from a neurological
standpoint.  The virus had not been totally eradicated in
those five days at that low dose, and when the C was stopped
the virus replicated and killed him. 

When his sister Angelica began to manifest with the same
chronic high fevers, weight loss, lack of appetite, and
transient neurologic symptoms, a passage in Klenner's
Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C grabbed my attention,
to wit:  ". . . failure to benefit from Vitamin C use is
usually due to inadequate amounts being used for too short a
period of time."  Newly armed with this information, we
doubled Angelica's IV C to 2g per pound of body weight so
that she was getting 10g daily.  We continued the drips
daily and on day 7 her 105 fever came down.  We continued
for 4 more days to make sure the virus was killed and we
didn't have a repeat situation as with poor Chuckie.  Her
fevers remained down through day 11 and then we tapered her
off of the C and gave it orally to avoid rebound scurvy.  It
has been 3 weeks and she is eating well, gaining weight, and
totally asymptomatic.  Needless to say, she now gets C in
her food every day.

The difference between the two treatment scenarios is that
Chuckie received too many immune-destroying antibiotics and
steroids before his official FIP diagnosis returned and by
the time we started the IV C drips he was terribly
compromised, though he probably would have survived had I
only realized that we were administering too little vitamin
C for too short a time.  When Angelica became sick I went
straight to the IV vitamin C as my first line of defense and
apparently that, and the proper dosage amount and
administration length, were the keys to curing her.  

I hope this helps some of you.  I posted much of this
information before but it seemed to be dismissed a priori
with few appearing to consider it legitimate or worthy of
greater investigation.  This is sad, because while everyone
continues to talk of what to do for these poor FeLV, FIV,
FIP and other sick cats, with a little effort this treatment
is available, safe, effective, and inexpensive compared with
the typical outlay for these diseases.  Is it not worth
trying for these cats before accepting that there is no
viable cure?

Personally, I would much prefer to attempt this protocol to
eradicate a virus than to simply treat a cat's immune system
just to give it a few extra months before the virus kills it
anyway.  It's really a no-brainer.  You will do your vet a
favor by asking him or her to undertake this for your cat.
In fact, my vet now calls me to inquire about what other
conditions she should be using the vitamin C treatment for
and how much to use.  In turn, another vet I had spoken with
is now implementing this treatment in his practice.  And
even today as I write, a Mississippi vet is trying IV
vitamin C for a cat with advanced histoplasmosis because his
owner saw one of my posts and contacted me for the protocol.

Skepticism and dismissal of oral, injectable and intravenous
vitamin C as viable treatment options in dogs and cats with
FeLV, FIV, FIP, panleukopenia, cancers, respiratory
infections, parvovirus, urinary tract infections, etc. is
costing them their lives.  For a decade I have witnessed the
miracle of Linus Pauling's high dose vitamin C/lysine
protocol for reversing coronary heart disease in very sick
people who were willing and open-minded enough to try it.
Can we afford to be any less willing and open-minded when it
comes to our cherished animal companions who have no voice?

Sally Snyder Jewell
Tower Laboratories Corporation
Practicing Medicine Without a License?  The Story of the
Linus Pauling Therapy for Heart Disease, by Owen Fonorow and
Sally Snyder Jewell

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