Hi Natalie,
I've been doing this for 20 years now and this year has been my worst year
ever.  About 2 months ago, I removed a cat from the pound who just had 4
kittens the night before.  The kittens weren't even 24 hours old yet and
they were waiting in line to be pts.  Well, 2 weeks after she was in my home
she came down with a horrible URI and my vet assured me that the kittens
would be protected by the mother's milk and they would not get it.  Well,
long story short, they got it.  Then the mother cat decided to drown one in
the water bowl and she deheaded the other one.  After feeding the other 2
with a stomach tube and doing sub q fluids I had to take the last 2 of her
kittens to be put to sleep because they kept fading. The mother cat is doing
fine now though.  This is only a small sample of my year with kittens.
I was talking to my husband and we both feel like the kitten was given too
much wormer.  I doubt the kitten that only weighed 3/4 pound should have
been given the same amount as her siblings who weighed 2 and 1/4 pounds.
I can only go by what my vet tells me.  I brought them all in to the vet's
office when I first got them.  My first guess was worms when the little
kitten was throwing up.  My vet tested the poop samples and they came back
negative.  Then I was told the little kitten who was throwing up had mega
esophagus.  I babied her for a month and had her in and out of the vet's
office.  Thursday night when I saw the roundworms being thrown up I felt
like she would improve once wormed.  This time I saw a different vet in the
same office who agreed that she could be full of worms and that was causing
her to throw up; might not be mega esophagus.  The breathing problems only
started Monday night, 5 days before I saw the worms being thrown up.  I'm
trying not to blame myself but I do feel like if the vet had wormed them all
at four weeks old this would be a whole new story with a different ending.
I do blame myself for not being more assertive in getting them wormed
earlier.  My vet doesn't like to worm animals if their poop samples don't
show any signs of parasites.  I've told them time and time again that
animals can have normal samples but still have parasites.  They just don't
show up at the time of the testing.  I also blame myself for not questioning
my vet for not giving me an antibiotic to give at home when we were there on
Monday night.  She gave my kitten an antibiotic injection but nothing went
home with me.  When I was there on Friday getting them wormed I asked about
the need for antibiotics (in case she had pneumonia) and she told me that
she had forgotten to give me an antibiotic on Monday and remembered it after
we had left the office. I don't know why my vet couldn't have called me and
had me come back to get it.  When I left the vet's office on Monday my vet
told me that my kitten would most likely die that night. Well, she didn't,
she actually improved and was playing and eating well and throwing up
minimally.  She had a bad day Thursday and after I saw the worms being
thrown up I knew in my heart what her problem was all along.  I had very
high hopes of her improving after she was wormed but that didn't happen.  It
was her worst, last few hours ever.  
I am so sorry about your kitten, Puddles.  I've raised the newborn orphans
for 20 years now (it's what I do for the humane society here because no one
else wants to put the time into them that's needed to keep them alive) and
I've syringe fed them all with very good outcomes.  I've lost only a handful
and several have had FeLV or congenital problems or neurological disorders
but have done well.  I appreciate what you did for Puddles and I know
Puddles did, too.  

"...Saving just one pet won't change the world....but surely the world will
change for that one pet..."
The top ten reasons to spay and neuter your dog or cat were killed in a
shelter today.

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Natalie
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2010 4:29 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] I killed my kitten last night...

Dear Kim,
I am so sorry about your kitten's death!  I'm sure that at one time or
another, each one of us who has dealt with sick cats and kittens, takes the
blame for their death.  You did all you could! Your kitten seems to have had
some serious health problems and was probably underweight because of them;
at 2 months old, she should ideally have weighed almost 2 lbs.  I would
probably question whether the vet gave her the right dose of dewormer etc.
Don't blame yourself...you did NOT kill the kitten! It's so natural for us
to question ourselves when something goes wrong!

I have just gone through a kitten death two weeks ago.  A practically
newborn kitten was found in a window-well filled with water after a heavy
rain.  Someone looked down and saw a tiny orange kitten - under water except
for the head.  A call went out to anyone who might have a nursing mother - I
did and still do.  The kitten was probably 4 days old by then...our kittens
were already 4 weeks old and gigantic compared to this baby.  The mother was
very willing to accept little Puddles, but he showed no desire to suck....I
had to feed him with an eyedropper.  All went well, but after 5 days,
Puddles didn't want to drink as much KMR and started feeling cold, although
I kept him in a small carrier on heated disks for warmth, and fed him every
two hours except for 4 hrs at night. I took him to the vet, and as he
examined him, Puddles died right then and there...his temperature was only
95.6!. I blamed myself for just about everything, but I know that I did what
I could correctly...I have raised so many tiny kittens to adulthood, why not
this one?  Maybe Puddles never got to drink his mother's milk to get any
colostrums....we'll never know.

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Kim
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2010 2:53 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: [Felvtalk] I killed my kitten last night...

I am having such a hard time today with my kitten's death.
My little kitten that was 2 months old died last night.  She weighed 3/4 of
a pound.  She was the runt of the litter that I had raised since they were
four weeks old.  She has been a huge challenge for me the month I had her.
My vet first thought she had mega esophagus but then wasn't so sure when she
threw up roundworms.  She had a problem keeping her food down since the very
beginning.  Anyway, Friday, my vet wormed her, and her three siblings.  She
was doing great yesterday until around 7 pm.  I gave her a small bowl of KMR
and shortly afterwards she started having difficulty breathing and was
breathing through her mouth. She had eaten canned kitten food earlier and
was doing fine.  
She died while I was holding her trying to give her a sub q injection.  I
don't know what I was thinking.  I know I killed her.  She couldn't breathe
and I was trying to hold her still and evidently I had her in a position
that her breathing worse because she just went limp and died in my hands.
It was so fast that I didn't even get to give her any fluids.  I knew she
was having troubles breathing but yet I held her still and she was unable to
breath because of it.  
I'm having a hard time with her death. She was such a sweet kitten and even
though I can't admit it in front of her other three siblings she was my
Can anyone explain this to me?  Were the worms fighting the Strongid and
migrating to her lungs making her unable to breathe?  Did the KMR have
something to do with it?  
I feel so bad.  When I saw her throw up the worms Thursday night I told her
to hang in there and I would get her all better in the morning after the vet
wormed her but instead I feel like I killed her and did wrong by her. 
I am so sorry I did this to her and wish I could take it all back.  She
didn't deserve to die this way. 

"...Saving just one pet won't change the world....but surely the world will
change for that one pet..."
The top ten reasons to spay and neuter your dog or cat were killed in a
shelter today.

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