After a stressful, scary week, Whimsy, aka the Whimzinator, is back and better 
than ever.  I knew all he wanted was to go out, so relunctantly, I took him in 
the yard with me for an hour in the cold, and he was thrilled.  he sniffed, 
walked around, and then ran back in. He was satisfied, had his fill.  He 
literally came back to life in front of my eyes.  He hasn't wanted to go out 
since, and we don't have any plans to do so.  Just to build his enclosure.  It 
was against everything I believe is right, but I felt him telling me it was the 
only way he'd eat again.  I really felt he would die if he didn't get to do 
this.  The pepcid injections helped too - but right after he ran in, he ate 
again, after barely eating for 6 days.  He's now back to where he was calorie 
wise, and is even more loving and cuddly...
go figure...
thank you everyone for your help.  And thank you for the suggestions on nausea 
- i think he got a sour tummy from being upset, and created a big problem for 
himself.  your suggestions made me remember i could get pepcid injections 
(since we can't pill him) and this was great.
Shannon and the royal cat Whimsy

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