Whenever people say that, I tell them what it really is: The miracle of
death!  First of all, the cat will most likely have the kittens at night,
when they're away, in school....and when they say that they get good homes
for the kittens, how can they honestly reinforce the absolute need for
spaying/neutering to the adopters when the example they set was the exact
opposite?  And for every kitten that is allowed to be born and a home found,
a rescue kitten will die because homes are so scarce.

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Lorrie
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2012 5:35 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Section 1983

Oh how very true. I wish the people who don't neuter and spay could all see
this!!!  I get so sick of people who let their cats have kittens so they can
witness the miracle of life!  How I wish their kids could watch all those
precious cats and kittens being killed!!!!!!


On 06-29, Natalie wrote:
> Exposing the killing horrors to the public is the best way to call 
> attention to it; as the saying goes, if shelters had to kill animals 
> in glass houses in town squares, they would stop doing it - if it's 
> out of sight, out of mind, and easily swept under the rug., it will 
> continue!  People must become aware of it, mandatory spay/neuter laws 
> must be passed, and legislators must stop taking money and be 
> continually influenced by lobbyists who want nothing more than to stop 
> it - breeders, many veterinarians, and hunting groups (YES, would you 
> believe?) and many more you would never suspect, are against any
spay/neuter legislation! But it's the ONLY answer!
> Natalie =^..^=
> P.S.
> Maybe all of the rescuers in this group who have ideas, should take 
> this offline..let's put our heads together!
> It can be done!

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