I believe that everything on Earth has a Life Force.  Perhaps that's a soul but 
we are all from the same place, from the same Architect, whatever or whoever 
one calls that.  Therefore, I try not to eat anyone, kill anyone, displace 
anyone, pollute or dismantle anything unnecessarily unless my survival or the 
survival of my cat family, human friends depends on some destructive action. 
However, cats are carnivores by nature and I don't feel I have a right to make 
any decisions about their natural diet.  Therefore they get meat and chicken.  
It's an unfortunate way the world was planned but at least I can take myself 
out of the killing field since I have a choice of getting protein from plant 
sources. Killing fleas would be one example of killing for the survival of my 
cats.  Mowing a lawn would be an example of dismantling something for the 
survival of myself and the cats, or building a driveway, needing to destroy 
some plants and even a tree to do so
 comes under the category of dismantling in order ensure my  longevity, since 
parking a car in the middle of an overgrown weedy lawn would eventually lead to 
a nasty fall getting to my house.  I feel that if people would just think 
things through to a logical conclusion, most of the awful things that happen 
could be avoided.  A person who is going to blow up a building has obviously 
not thought it through to the logical conclusion. He is not going to convert 
others to his way of thinking because they will be grieving, angry, shut down 
due to the deaths and destruction.  But standing on a street corner, dressed 
nicely and talking through a PA system about his point of view, whatever it is 
may get him a few converts.  Sermon over.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

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