Thanks for the info and advice, I just called the vet to ask about anti-nausea 
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 16:30:45 -0400
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again

Yeah, at the end even my dog didn't want to eat.  And oh boy don't I know how 
picky cats are compared to dogs!!!  Maybe she'd like sardines.  My cats like 
canned chicken too.  Of course chicken flavored baby food is always a hit.  
You've got to keep her eating something.  If she's still happy with Fancy Feast 
that's great.  Also, sometimes with cancer even if they're eating good they'll 
loose weight.  Forgot what it's called but the cancer keeps the body from 
absorbing the nutrients or it destroys the nutrients or something like that so 
basically a person with cancer can become malnourished even though they're 
eating good.
They have a couple things for nausea and she's definitely not going to eat if 
she's nauseous.  One drug is Cerenia and that's what my vet gave me but another 
good one is something called Ondansetron (generic name).  I heard about that 
through the feline kidney disease group.  Most of the members like the 
Ondansetron much better than Cerenia.  My vet didn't have it and he thought 
Cerenia was better but I told him I wanted a prescription for the other because 
the folks on the list recommended it.  You can order the Ondansetron from 
Thriving Pets website.  You just fax them your prescription.  Local pharmacies 
might have it too.  I think that's where I ended up getting it.  My cat had 
renal lymphoma, not regular old kidney failure which would have been better, 
and she went downhill so fast I never got a chance to see if the Ondansetron 
was better than Cerenia. 
Any little bit of extra time you can give her is great, even though you might 
not think it's enough.  Plus if she's feeling bad she probably only wants a 
certain amount of interaction so I'm sure the extra time you give her is enough 
to keep her happy.

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 14:46:37 -0500
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again

She does get nauseous a lot and we have her on some strong pain meds.  She is 
losing so much weight but I give her Fancy Feast and love on her.  Unlike dogs, 
cats are such picky eaters to begin with :(  I wish she would eat burgers and 
The vet who diagnosed her has been our vet for a long time and I absolutely 
trust her.  I knew something was wrong with SuzieQ because she just wasn't 
acting like herself and she was a bit thinner and then Dr. M found a big mass 
in her abdomen, did surgery and took a biopsy, it came back cancer :(
I try to give her lots of attention but unfortunately Frank goes out of town so 
much and I work full-time so when I get home I have to clean up and take care 
of everyone else and then I try to spend extra time alone with her :(

Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 15:40:20 -0400
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Asking for advice again

Give SusieQ lots of pain meds and ice cream.  Oh wait, that's my prescription.
I guess all you can do is keep her happy and feeling good as long as possible.  
You just address each problem as it comes up.  Anything specific going on right 
now?  I know when the liver starts going it makes them nauseated.  There's some 
meds that can help with that if she's feeling good otherwise.  Do you really 
trust this vet?  You could always get a second opinion if there's any doubt in 
your mind that he might have misdiagnosed her.  Hard to tell you what to do 
without knowing if there is something specific bothering her right now.  Heard 
accupuncture helps with pain and different things but it depends on whether 
she's having pain right now.
If there really is nothing left to do just give her anything she wants even if 
you normally wouldn't give it to them.  When my dog had cancer we went to 
Burger King and Dairy Queen a lot.  I cooked anything I could think of that he 
might really like.  We had salmon fillets, talapia, etc.  Anything he wanted or 
anything I thought he might want he got.  But most especially I held him and 
loved on him.  Same with the cats.  They got lots of extra attention.
  I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are 
profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts upon 
unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me 
sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.” – Mark Twain

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