My vet told me to combine yoogurt and baby food pumpkin.  the yogurt calms the 
somach and the pumpkin gives fiber to help get the colon back to normal action.

---- Dawn Morrison <> wrote: 
> I was confused by the cerenia because she is not vomiting but my vet said 
> maybe she is nauseous and that could be adding to her not wanting to eat. She 
> did mention it's 4 or 5 days on/off. Someone else suggested pepcid, which I 
> thought was odd but will bring it up 
> to my vet.
> Thanks for the food suggestions. I will try whatever I can. 
> This morning she was acting off again, although she did eat some dry food on 
> her own. It'll be a long weekend but I will do whatever I can for her. We 
> attempted to take her temp but that did not go so well. 
> Friday, October 19, 2012 12:08 AM
> From: 
> "Christiane Biagi" <>
> To: 
> Sounds like ur vet is trying to gether to get rid of any infection.  In terms 
> of eating, I think ur vet is right on—give her anything she’ll eat.  Some 
> things I’ve used are Gerber stage2 ham, or turkey or beef (has no garlic or 
> onion—just plain); tuna “water” (from can); yogurt is good if she’ll take 
> it—helps with nausea/diarrhea from antibiotics.  All my cats seem to devour 
> Fancy Feast (chicken classic)—its like catnip! Lol  Basically, I go thru 
> refrig & try everything—cold cuts, cheese, cottage cheese—not necessarily the 
> best diet long term but I figure something is always better than nothing.  
> Sometimes, heating the food in micro just to get it warm (and smelly) helps.  
> There’s also the food trappers use to lure ferals—warm Kentucky Fried Chicken 
> (little warm pieces without bones).  Its not easy & very frustrating so hang 
> in there….  
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
> Sharyl
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 11:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Advice
> Dee, I'm sorry your cat is having problems.  Cerenia is typically Rx'd as an 
> anti-emetic (vomiting).  Some vets also Rx it for nausea even though there 
> are better drugs to use for nausea.  Each kitty is unique and Cerenia does 
> seem to help fight nausea in some cats.  Most in the FAF yahoo group give it 
> for 4 days then take a day off.  Not sure what you vet recommended.  The FAF 
> list members have found Cerenia to be a very effective and safe anti-emetic.
> Here is a link to a good vet article on meds used to control vomiting.  The 
> info on Cerenia is about 1/2 way down under the heading 'A new antiemetic 
> drug for dogs'.
> Hope this helps
> Sharyl
> From: Dawn Morrison <>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 4:50 PM
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Advice
> My 7yr old has up till this point shown no signs of the virus.
> Tuesday she was acting very odd and not eating. I took her to the vet, who 
> ran bloodwork.
> Her lympocytes were incredibly high, wbc was high (can't remember the 
> numbers), she had a 104 temp. She got injections of b12, steroid, antibiotic 
> and I was sent home with antibiotic and pain meds if needed and an appetite 
> stimulant. Wed she wouldn't eat again so I was syringe feeding her. I have 
> been giving her the anitbio and app stimulant. Today she started to eat on 
> her own, although I will still syringe to make sure she's getting enough 
> nutrients.  She also has IBD but the vet said to give her whatever she'll eat 
> at this point to at least get her wanting to eat again. We sent the bloodwork 
> out to a lab to assure the in house results were correct, they were. 
> My vet wants to start her on cerenia, keep her on the anitbio and the app 
> stimulant. We're basically going to take it day by day at this point. Since 
> she is now shedding the virus she is staying in her bedroom (which has a 
> screen door on it) but is a little stressed that she can't come out and visit 
> when we are home. I've been going in and visiting as much as possible but 
> it's hard when I'm gone for most of the day. We have another kitty who we 
> have to get tested in 2 months to see if she was exposed.
> If anyone has suggestions or opinions I would appreciate it. Also, has anyone 
> used cerenia and is there anything I should know about it?
> Has anyone else gone through similiar experiences and can offer any advice?
> Thanks in advance and sorry this is so long.
> Dee

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