Hi.  I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to raise money to help some 
of the cats in the Farmingdale colony that I have been taking care of for the 
past 2 years.  Two of them are in need of medical attention.  Goldie and Tiger. 
 Tiger has gotten much more affectionate and friendly with me the last 2 
months.  He lets me pick him up.  My goal is to adopt some of them out (some of 
the friendlier ones like him). I have been working on this goal for some time 
now.   But he has started to sneeze the last 2 months and I almost got him in 
the cage last week and this week I will surely catch him with the help of my 
sister.  I have gone through so much money this summer, I'm sure you all know 
the story, as I took in a stray from our neighborhood (now have 4 indoor cats). 
 Financially, I need some assistance with Tiger and Goldie.  I don't want to 
let them go the winter - Gldie obviously has something stuck in his mouth and 
probably needs anti b
 as well as a full workup.  I am hopeful that I can catch him also with a 
little persistance. Tiger shows much hope if vetted.  My sister-in-law has 
offered to  recover him.
 I have started a "CHIPIN" account.  I'm sure you all have seen it.  If anyone 
would like to donate and help out, it would be so much appreciated.  Tiger and 
Goldie would be relieved of their agony and it is heartbreaking to see them 
suffer with winter coming on.  I can't stand to watch it.  I want so much for 
the outcome of these cats to be a good one.  That is my goal.  If you find it 
in the goodness of your hearts to chip in even $1.00, it would be so wonderful 
as dollars add up.  Or if you have any other ideas of raising money.  I am in 
for surgery Nov 26th so time is of the essence as I have many dr appts and work 
is time-consuming.  Thanks to you all.  Dotty W.  Freehold, NJ

 From: "dlg...@windstream.net" <dlg...@windstream.net>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
Cc: Dawn Morrison <dlmgreen1...@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Fw: Advice

after the line about Pepcid, I got a bunch of gibberish, combination of numbers 
and letters and symbols.  what happened?

---- Dawn Morrison <dlmgreen1...@yahoo.com> wrote: 
> I was confused by the cerenia because she is not vomiting but my vet said 
> maybe she is nauseous and that could be adding to her not wanting to eat. She 
> did mention it's 4 or 5 days on/off. Someone else suggested pepcid, which I 
> thought was odd but will bring it up 
> to my vet.
> Thanks for the food suggestions. I will try whatever I can. 
> This morning she was acting off again, although she did eat some dry food on 
> her own. It'll be a long weekend but I will do whatever I can for her. We 
> attempted to take her temp but that did not go so well. 
> Friday, October 19, 2012 12:08 AM
> From: 
> "Christiane Biagi" <ti...@mindspring.com>
> To: 
> felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Sounds like ur vet is trying to gether to get rid of any infection.  In terms 
> of eating, I think ur vet is right on—give her anything she’ll eat.  Some 
> things I’ve used are Gerber stage2 ham, or turkey or beef (has no garlic or 
> onion—just plain); tuna “water” (from can); yogurt is good if she’ll take 
> it—helps with nausea/diarrhea from antibiotics.  All my cats seem to devour 
> Fancy Feast (chicken classic)—its like catnip! Lol  Basically, I go thru 
> refrig & try everything—cold cuts, cheese, cottage cheese—not necessarily the 
> best diet long term but I figure something is always better than nothing.  
> Sometimes, heating the food in micro just to get it warm (and smelly) helps.  
> There’s also the food trappers use to lure ferals—warm Kentucky Fried Chicken 
> (little warm pieces without bones).  Its not easy & very frustrating so hang 
> in there….  
> From: Felvtalk [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of 
> Sharyl
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 11:33 PM
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Advice
> Dee, I'm sorry your cat is having problems.  Cerenia is typically Rx'd as an 
> anti-emetic (vomiting).  Some vets also Rx it for nausea even though there 
> are better drugs to use for nausea.  Each kitty is unique and Cerenia does 
> seem to help fight nausea in some cats.  Most in the FAF yahoo group give it 
> for 4 days then take a day off.  Not sure what you vet recommended.  The FAF 
> list members have found Cerenia to be a very effective and safe anti-emetic.
> Here is a link to a good vet article on meds used to control vomiting.  The 
> info on Cerenia is about 1/2 way down under the heading 'A new antiemetic 
> drug for dogs'.
> http://veterinarycalendar.dvm360.com/avhc/content/printContentPopup.jsp?id=676860
> Hope this helps
> Sharyl
> From: Dawn Morrison <dlmgreen1...@yahoo.com>
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 4:50 PM
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Advice
> My 7yr old has up till this point shown no signs of the virus.
> Tuesday she was acting very odd and not eating. I took her to the vet, who 
> ran bloodwork.
> Her lympocytes were incredibly high, wbc was high (can't remember the 
> numbers), she had a 104 temp. She got injections of b12, steroid, antibiotic 
> and I was sent home with antibiotic and pain meds if needed and an appetite 
> stimulant. Wed she wouldn't eat again so I was syringe feeding her. I have 
> been giving her the anitbio and app stimulant. Today she started to eat on 
> her own, although I will still syringe to make sure she's getting enough 
> nutrients.  She also has IBD but the vet said to give her whatever she'll eat 
> at this point to at least get her wanting to eat again. We sent the bloodwork 
> out to a lab to assure the in house results were correct, they were. 
> My vet wants to start her on cerenia, keep her on the anitbio and the app 
> stimulant. We're basically going to take it day by day at this point. Since 
> she is now shedding the virus she is staying in her bedroom (which has a 
> screen door on it) but is a little stressed that she can't come out and visit 
> when we are home. I've been going in and visiting as much as possible but 
> it's hard when I'm gone for most of the day. We have another kitty who we 
> have to get tested in 2 months to see if she was exposed.
> If anyone has suggestions or opinions I would appreciate it. Also, has anyone 
> used cerenia and is there anything I should know about it?
> Has anyone else gone through similiar experiences and can offer any advice?
> Thanks in advance and sorry this is so long.
> Dee

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