I was really thinking of using it in the yard and on the deck and seeing how 
that worked.  So far last year and this year we have had NO FLEA OR TICK 
PROBLEMS.  The cats only go out on the deck, except Harley.  He goes into the 
woods, but has only had 2 ticks and no sign of fleas.  KNOCK ON WOOD.
 nOW IF THERE WAS A SOLUTION FOR BUFFALO GNATS.  They raise huge welts on me 
and so I spend most of my time indoors until they are gone.  They usually 
disappear when it starts getting hot.

---- janine paton <patonjan...@sbcglobal.net> wrote: 
> I am sorry, I haven't been following this thread but caught the diatomaceous 
> warning.  Hoping they still make this, but 1-800-flea busters out of FL. is 
> my favorite product to use.  It's a little work, but I think I was over 
> zealous the first year.  Third yr I used it, I was not so diligent, but it 
> worked just fine.  It is safe, and it lasts a year and that's the real bonus. 
>  Takes a few weeks to work, but it really does.  


 From: Lorrie <felineres...@frontier.com>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
Sent: Monday, July 1, 2013 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] OT-diatomaceous earth - warning

Very scary Beth,  Thanks for the warning.

On 07-01, Beth wrote:
>    I don't want to start a barrage of OT emails with this post. Just a
>    quick warnng to be careful
>    I tried the food grade diatomaceous earth this weekend to try to stop
>    the fleas. I have all hardwood floors - really old ones, with lots of
>    crevices for the flea eggs to hide in.
>    I wore a good sanding mask which blocks small particles. I opened the
>    windows (as many as I could without danger of the cats getting out).
>    I sprinkled it in the product on the floors using a sieve. I gently
>    swept it into the cracks in the floor in my bedroom & hallway. If did
>    not create any visible dust clouds, etc.
>    I went outside, took the mask off & sat for a bit.
>    When I went back inside I could not breath. My mouth immediately became
>    parched & my throat started closing.
>    I grabbed some water & went back outside.
>    I spent the rest of the day with the mask back on washing the floors
>    trying to get rid of the stuff.
>    Please be careful. I am a very active, relatively young  person. I
>    don't have breathing issues.  This was quite scary.
>    In addition to the breathing issues, some of it got on my skin & it
>    just burned.
>    Again, yes, this was the food grade kind.
>    I know people on this list use it & have no problems. That's great. But
>    if you have not tried it, please be careful if you do. Try it in a very
>    small area, first.
>    I guess I will go back to vacuuming & flea combing.
>    I may use the rest in the yard since most of the problem seems to be my
>    dog bringing them in from outside.
>    Beth

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