Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, Karen and I have both worked on this 
problem, I on the computer and Karen asking friends, rescuers and others for 
some help, mostly to no avail. The TNR group here is San Antonio Feral Cat 
Coalition. They do not have a shelter situation so get very little cat food 
donations. They have already contributed to her as much as they can but as I 
said, she has to feed these cats every day. She is getting free TNR 
certificates from Animal Care Services which is out local kill-everything 
shelter but the city came on board with kicking and screaming when we were 
trying to force the TNR idea into the animal laws. They finally accepted it 
when public opinion soared in favor and the local newspaper printed several 
articles in support and against what was taking place at the kill shelter (gas 
chamber). But that still leaves Karen without a car and without money to buy 
one if she doesn't get some donations to help with the cat
 food. It's not organizations I'm asking now, it's just individuals who can 
spare a few dollars to call in to Petsmart, Pet Supplies Plus and Petco to get 
her gift cards on file so she can purchase the cat food with at least a little 
help. She also has rent and utilities to pay, which is sucking money out of her 
paycheck and she is not eligible for any steady help from anywhere else because 
she has a job. 

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

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