Jennifer I'm literally going through the SAME thing. My 2.5 yo male was 
recently diagnosed as being FeLV+ and I was devastated. He was also diagnosed 
with a light heart murmur. He's on Prednisone .5 twice a day, 0.5 ml (50mg/ml) 
Doxycycline 2x day, Lysine (not so much bc he hates it), and 0.5 ml VitaDrops 
2x day. He has an enlarged spleen and gets a fever fairly often. My other 3 
tested negative. Go figure. 

Please keep emailing this group as I'm sure any questions you have will be 
something I'm wondering too and if you ever need anything just ask! 

I'm sure your baby is in good hands, you sound like you know what you're 
talking about! 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 9, 2013, at 4:05 PM, "Katherine K." <> wrote:
> Hi Jennifer,
> Sorry to hear about your kitty. Has she had the virus since she was a kitten? 
> Are you assist feeding her? I nursed my 10 year old out of a slump this 
> summer (when I first found out he was pos) with sub-q fluids, assist feeding, 
> low dose of prednisone and t-cyte injections. Just do what you're comfortable 
> with, knowing you're doing all that you can for her. Some resources that I've 
> found to be helpful: and 
> Hang in there.
> Katherine
>> On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Jennifer Ballew <> wrote:
>> Hey all-
>> This is the first time I have posted to the forum.  I have two FeLV positive 
>> cats, one two and one three years old.  The older cat has never had any 
>> issues with illness whatsoever, but the younger has only recently started 
>> showing signs that her illness has caught up with her.  Just within the last 
>> few days she has become very lethargic, stopped eating (and only drinks a 
>> small amount) and whenever she stands or walks she seems very unsteady and 
>> wobbly.  I took her to the vet yesterday; they checked her blood counts 
>> which were low and said her kidney enzymes were elevated.  They also said 
>> they could hear a heart murmur which is probably related to possibly being 
>> dehydrated.  They gave her a B12 shot and I took her home.  I already said 
>> if worst came to worst I wouldn't put her through any unnecessary treatments 
>> or subject her to any painful procedures and that I would strive only to 
>> provide the best supportive care for her while she was alive so that she 
>> would have the best chances.  I'm just wondering if any of you have gone 
>> through the same thing and if I can expect her to pull out of this on her 
>> own, or, if she doesn't, how long she might have left.  I'm sincerely 
>> heartbroken.  I really thought I had nursed her through the most risky part 
>> of her illness (kittenhood) and that she would now go on to live a halfway 
>> long life.  In any case, if anyone has any advice or information I would 
>> greatly appreciate it.
>> Thanks all,
>> Jennifer
>> -- 
>> "To love is to risk not being loved in return.
>> To hope is to risk pain. 
>> To try is to risk failure, 
>> But risk must be taken,
>> Because the greatest hazard in life
>> Is to risk nothing."
>> --Leo Buscaglia
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