The tests are totally different. The IFA tests to see if the virus is 
circulating in the bone marrow, which means the cat will not throw off the 
virus. The ELISA snap tests for the virus in the blood. A cat can be positive 
on the snap test but negative on the IFA. This means they have a chance of 
throwing off the virus. 
So we know Baby is definitely positive. 
You might want to re-test Moe on the SNAP test & if positive do an IFA of just 
skip to the IFA. If the IFA on Moe is positive neither cat is going to throw 
off the virus & they can mingle.

Just FYI, a lot of us here mix out positive & negative cats, vaccinating the 
negative cats. I have done so for almost 15 years & have never had the virus 
get transmitted to my negative cats. My old vet used to vaccinate my negative 
twice a year. Of coarse this is a personal decision.

Good luck & thank you for keeping Moe & Baby & giving them a chance at life.


Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!

 From: "" <>
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2013 6:43 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Please help with testing confusion!

I'm confused and hope people can help me to understand this.

I have two cats who have tested positive for felv.  One, Moe has tested 
positive twice on the ELISA, and the tests were done a year apart.  Baby, has 
tested positive both on a SNAP and an IFA test - done two months apart.  
Different vets were used.

They have been kept separate, both from each other and our negative cats.

So, the question is can they be safely introduced to each other?  Do I need Moe 
to be retested using the IFA?  Do I need Baby retested using the ELISA?

Please, any light that can be shed on this will be incredibly helpful.  Thank 
you so much!

Leslie & the furballs
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