
If they are both FelV positive the tests should not make a difference.
I have a FelV sanctuary and all my FelV cats are together and live in 
4 large rooms sharing litter, food & water.  If Moe and Baby are well
acquainted they will be happier living with each other than alone. If
they don't know each other you will have to do the introduction thing.


On 10-14, one23di...@aol.com wrote:
>    I'm confused and hope people can help me to understand this.
>    I have two cats who have tested positive for felv.  One, Moe has tested
>    positive twice on the ELISA, and the tests were done a year apart.
>    Baby, has tested positive both on a SNAP and an IFA test - done two
>    months apart.  Different vets were used.
>    They have been kept separate, both from each other and our negative
>    cats.
>    So, the question is can they be safely introduced to each other?  Do I
>    need Moe to be retested using the IFA?  Do I need Baby retested using
>    the ELISA?
>    Please, any light that can be shed on this will be incredibly helpful.
>     Thank you so much!
>    Leslie & the furballs

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