Hi Amanda,
Can you please tell me more about Petinic and transfer factor?


Sent from my iPhone.

> On Oct 29, 2013, at 13:31, "Amanda K. Payne" <amandak.pa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Katherine,
> I definitely have to back Heather here.  Pale gums and eating litter are very 
> indicative of anemia.  Earlier this year, our sweet girl Polli, started 
> licking walls and clay planters.  She slowly lost interest in her toys and 
> food.  By the time I took her to the vet, she was severely anemic.  The vet 
> didn't think she had more than a week and was hesitant to treat her.  She was 
> also about six months when she started showing symptoms.
> We gave her Pet-tinic and Transfer Factor Plus in addition to a vitamin-rich 
> diet and a lot of pampering.  She fought through the anemia but we lost her 
> to FIP five months later.
> I would suggest taking him to the vet as soon as possible.  The earlier you 
> catch anemia, the better the chances are of treating it.
>> On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 7:58 AM, Heather <furrygi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes, definitely.  I would get him in asap (today).  This is a worry with any 
>> kitty and especially felv+ kitties.  Last time someone told me their cat was 
>> eating litter, he died soon after even though they got him to the vet 
>> (probably needed a transfusion which I don't think they tried).
>> Again not to scare you but given pale gums + eating litter, would rather err 
>> to the side of caution and say get him in asap as that's definitely 
>> worriesome.
>>> On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 10:51 AM, Katherine K. <kaths...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks. After doing few searches on the listserv archive and reading past 
>>> posts I wanted to add that I also have found him a couple of times recently 
>>> eating litter (the kind he was eating was Worlds Best Cat Litter made from 
>>> corn, but he also uses clay litter) and he has a tendency to lick the 
>>> shower drain after my shower. Seems like those could also be symptoms of 
>>> anemia..missing a mineral or something. 
>>>> On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Heather <furrygi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Pale gums can indicate anemia, if gums are white they are usually near 
>>>> death.  I'd get the kitty's PCV (packed cell volume) checked asap.  FELV+ 
>>>> cats are particularly prone to anemia, I don't have any FELV+ cats and 
>>>> think sometimes it is non-regenerative but some here might have some 
>>>> advice.
>>>> Not to scare you, but anemia is something that needs to be addressed 
>>>> quickly.
>>>>> On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Katherine K. <kaths...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Just saw Avaykn's email as I was writing this. I have the opposite 
>>>>> problem - pale gums.
>>>>> One of my positive kittens Terence has started looking/feeling a little 
>>>>> skinny and his usually short sleek fur has a more raggedy look to it. I 
>>>>> checked his gums this morning and they were pale compared to his 3 
>>>>> siblings (who are also positive). He is 6 months old. They are on lysine 
>>>>> and getting wet and dry food. 
>>>>> I'm going to try adding fortiflora and get some lixotinic from the vet. 
>>>>> Appetite seems normal, he's still active/playful but perhaps less so than 
>>>>> usual. 
>>>>> Katherine
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