Katherine, he may be slightly anemic? Have you ever used Pet-tinic? It is a liquid vitamin. Vets used to carry it. I got mine at a good price from Amazon. It's cheap. I think it is has iron in it. and it works for my FEV+ kitty who every now an then has pale gums. Carolyn

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 9:16 AM, Katherine K. wrote:

Just saw Avaykn's email as I was writing this. I have the opposite problem - pale gums.

One of my positive kittens Terence has started looking/feeling a little skinny and his usually short sleek fur has a more raggedy look to it. I checked his gums this morning and they were pale compared to his 3 siblings (who are also positive). He is 6 months old. They are on lysine and getting wet and dry food.

I'm going to try adding fortiflora and get some lixotinic from the vet. Appetite seems normal, he's still active/playful but perhaps less so than usual.



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