So tell me about lysine tablets for cats? Is there some indication that it 
helps Felv+ cats?  

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On Dec 16, 2014, at 6:18 PM, Marsha <> wrote:

> Deb, the crazy thing is that symptoms can be variable.  I have been wracking 
> my brain and talking to the vet, and one thing that looks like a possibility 
> now is that Brock, the FeLV+ cat I adopted 2.5 months ago, may be a carrier 
> of whatever URI virus it is.  This all seemed to start (but could be 
> coincidence) when our weather got weird here.  Big temperature inversion, 
> poor air quality, temps 20 degrees above normal, fog/mist/drizzle for a week. 
>  Brock was a little sneezy, but no other symptoms.  Harley has *never* been 
> sick before, in the 4+ years he's been with me.  I am thinking maybe the odd 
> weather threw them for a loop, and the virus flared up in Brock, and Harley 
> got it from him.  But Brock, being younger, and not as far along in immune 
> suppression, had such mild symptoms that I didn't think it was a URI, just 
> maybe some dust made him sneeze.  But that's all just a theory.  In any case, 
> I think I better get those lysine chews or the capsules, since they wouldn't 
> eat
  the gel. Don't know for sure if this is herpes virus, but could be, 
especially since I just read that can cause pharyngitis.  And I believe that's 
what the lysine is supposed to help the most, is FHV.
> Marsha
> On 12/16/2014 6:31 PM, Debi Kraal wrote:
>> Marsha-
>> Thanks for the the information you have been sharing.  All is well so far 
>> with my Felv + , Bean (slayer of dragons).  Good to hear what sort of 
>> symptoms start with the all to common URI with these cats.
>> Glad to hear Harley is fighting the bug...
>> Deb
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